This time of the year is the best-of-times-worst-of-times.
It's the season when we scrape down the BBQ and fire it up for the first time. We get our sons to mow the lawns and pick up hedge clippings. The air is scented with burning sausies and cut grass. The trees break into blossom, the neighbours join us for a barbie, we sit round the fire sipping wine ...and our calendars start to fill up.
It's the countdown to the-season-which-shall-remain-nameless (57 days til that nameless D-Day by my reckoning). It's panic stations, everybody. Sound the alarm.
Every year I feel that creeping anxiety start to knot my stomach as the diary begins to fill. This year there are the usual birthdays (mine, Dash's) and anniversaries, but also some extra biggies (my mum's 70th), school events, church events, house guests and a full retinue of rellies coming forChris the Day I won't mention yet.
No wonder I'm feeling a little sick to my stomach.
Wondering: How I will do it all without bursting a gasket
Loving: That we splashed out* on a swimming pool from TWH for our backyard *(pun intended sorry)
Hoping: It won't be too hard to put up. Or take too long to fill. Ha!
Marvelling: At how much garden work you can get done when your boys pitch in
Needing: one of those green bins to put all the clippings in
Smelling: The cut grass. And the sizzling Sausages.
Enjoying: Having a long weekend at home instead of rushing out of town
Noticing: How awesomely quiet Auckland is when everyone else rushes out of town for the long weekend
Making : The most of not having to rush anywhere, while we can
Every year I feel that creeping anxiety start to knot my stomach as the diary begins to fill. This year there are the usual birthdays (mine, Dash's) and anniversaries, but also some extra biggies (my mum's 70th), school events, church events, house guests and a full retinue of rellies coming for
No wonder I'm feeling a little sick to my stomach.
No wonder I've gone from having an epic outdoor movie party for my birthday, to having a low key dinner with a few friends to being on the verge of cancelling the whole thing. And forget our 14th wedding anniversary too. Hubby is flying off to the Philippines to build an orphanage next week, so I'll be parenting solo for a couple of weeks in the middle of everything else.
Ahhh yes, it's the season I hate to love. With Light Parties, the trick-or-treat dilemma and a backyard Hunger Games just for starters. Why do I do this to myself? It's not even November yet.
Wondering: How I will do it all without bursting a gasket
Loving: That we splashed out* on a swimming pool from TWH for our backyard *(pun intended sorry)
Hoping: It won't be too hard to put up. Or take too long to fill. Ha!
Marvelling: At how much garden work you can get done when your boys pitch in
Needing: one of those green bins to put all the clippings in
Smelling: The cut grass. And the sizzling Sausages.
Enjoying: Having a long weekend at home instead of rushing out of town
Noticing: How awesomely quiet Auckland is when everyone else rushes out of town for the long weekend
Making : The most of not having to rush anywhere, while we can
Drinking : Lewis Road Creamery chocolate milk WITHOUT QUEUING FOR HOURS (I went to Petite Kitchen's cafe "Mondays" (in Kingsland) and lo and behold there it was in the fridge. Yummy? Yes, for sure. Worth queuing for hours or paying $1000 for? NO!!! Why people, why???!
Enjoying: Waking up on my day off to my Eldest Son bringing me in a cup of tea. Amazed, I was.
Reading: Way too many disappointing books, way too fast. The last good one I read was SPARK by Kiwi author, Rachael Craw. It was Good. My faith is restored in YA. Thanks Stella for the recommendation.
Wanting: More recommendations like that. And some books to borrow. Anyone????
Wanting: More recommendations like that. And some books to borrow. Anyone????
Looking: On in amazement when my hubby manages to get the kids doing the dishes.
Wishing: It happened like that every night. Oh boy I hate dishes. There's a pile on my bench right now...
Wishing: It happened like that every night. Oh boy I hate dishes. There's a pile on my bench right now...
Waiting: For the reality to kick in as The-Season-Which-shall-Remain-Nameless gets closer. And Closer.
Liking: That so far I am succeeding in not mentioning it by name, in this post.
Knowing: That it's only a matter of time before I'll have to start making proper plans. And mentioning names.
Thinking: "There must be a way to get through this Season with my sanity intact..."
Feeling: Like staying in denial for as long as possible is the only way to go. For now at least.
Feeling: Slightly better now I've got all that off my chest.
Liking: That so far I am succeeding in not mentioning it by name, in this post.
Knowing: That it's only a matter of time before I'll have to start making proper plans. And mentioning names.
Thinking: "There must be a way to get through this Season with my sanity intact..."
Feeling: Like staying in denial for as long as possible is the only way to go. For now at least.
Feeling: Slightly better now I've got all that off my chest.
Anyone for a slice of Denial Cake with me?

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