Our Super-Cool-Fab Review Team...

In our family it's actually a classic, which you may think is a bit sad, but for us, "a classic" is one of those movies you don't mind watching again and again. Where the funny bits are still funny when you're watching it for the seventh time. And where everyone doesn't mind the reruns.
It's silly. It's goofy. It's light. You can't take it seriously, yet somehow Aliens in the Attic remains at the top of our "don't mind watching again" list. Go figure.
This movie has a bit of everything. Teen girl angst and a slappable boyfriend. A nerdy older brother who wants to be cool. A family holiday. A cute little sister, cousins, weird uncles, a ninja-kicking nana... and aliens. In the Attic.
I should make mention of "Ricky". Oh yeah. Almost all the laughs are centred on him. He's the one you want to slap, and who at the beginning of the movie, you worry might make this movie less-than-PG. (He is the teen sister's boyfriend, who is lying about being in high school. The brother knows he's a loser and is trying to get his sister to see that.) Don't worry. Ricky gets what's coming his way. And the geeky older brother learns the value of family. And the siblings who once fought like cats and dogs, learn to get along and help each other defend the planet. Oh and the aliens? They're pretty harmless.
For a more detailed parental breakdown of the movie, visit IMDB.
Here's what our experts have to say about Aliens in the Attic.
Dash. B. Cool: "Aliens in the Attic is a cool movie. it's funny, really funny. Especially when Ricky is being remote controlled and when he fights the grandma. "It's the Po-Po, be cool!" - now I have a stuffed toy called Po-Po. I like that there's lots of action and lots of laughs. Kids my age will like this movie."
Dash scores this movie's "coolness" as: ♥♥♥♥♥
Foxy Fab: "Hahahaha, I love it. I love Ricky. I love how they get him back. It's so funny. And Sharpay (Ashley Tisdale)is in this movie but she's not mean. The Aliens are funny too. It's not a scary movie. It's just funny."
Foxy rates this movie's "fabness" as: ♥♥♥♥♥
Super Scrag: "I like this movie. I like the Ricky bits the best. It's funny for me and it's not scary for me either. Really little kids might be scared of the aliens but I'm not. It's a funny movie."
SuperScrag scores this movie's "super-ness" as: ♥♥♥♥♥
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