You know how someone says something to you sometimes and it gets you thinking? Makes you search your soul, ask yourself hard questions?
Last night I received a comment from a long-time friend on the post I wrote about "Taking the Long Way Round". In case you missed it the post was sharing my new-found understanding about my recent "dyslexia" diagnosis, and here's what my friend had to say...
..."when I think of you, I think of how blessed you are, not about all the things you think of when you think of you! In fact, I often struggle with feeling jealous of your amazing creativity, your ideas in parenting and of how God has blessed you with a lovely lovely home, incredible opportunities and success in the blogging world and in your writing as well as in your travel opportunities. In fact, I have to laugh sometimes, every time I think of something I would like to do one day, there you are the next week blogging that you've just done it! God has certainly blessed you amazingly, I don't think you realize just how much!"Jeepers. All of a sudden I started thinking, what if I come off as a show-off on here? (Do I?) I really am blessed in so many ways... do I actually give enough credit where credit's due? Am I expressing gratitude and "giving glory" to the one that deserves it the most? i.e. God. the Big Guy. The Man Upstairs.
Every single grateful post i have ever written has actually been aimed at Him, really. I might not have actually said it, but if I am GRATEFUL, I must be grateful TO SOMEONE. That Someone is the Person whose grace has literally carried me, at times when I could not face the world. The Person who is the source of all my blessings and Who deserves all the credit, all the glory.
So just in case I wasn't clear enough, today's Grateful Post is dedicated to God, to whom I am literally Eternally Grateful.
Here are just some of the things I am grateful to Him for...

I am just grateful that I am still here, living blessed, still connected with my Creator, when it would have been easy at many times to give up on my faith. His practical grace and tangible provision combined with a sense of his never-leaving-me Presence has held me, when I couldn't move forward on my own. His beyond-understanding Peace has kept me. I'm grateful for His Presence, His Love and His beautiful grace.
Once upon a time I was the epitomy of Martha. I thought that if I worked hard, helping people in God's name, I would get into His good books and He would bless me. But the funny thing was that when I was at my weakest, when I was broken and could longer serve Him or "do" anything - that's when the kindness of God took me by surprise.
"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed." (from The Bible, 2 Corinthians 4: 7-9)Thank You God for everything. The glory for all of it goes to You.
I'm the broken vessel, and you are the light within. I hope that it shines through enough that others can glimpse You through my cracks....
P.S. I know not all my readers share my belief/faith and may consider this post to be further evidence of a deranged mind... all I can say is, "Don't knock it til you've tried it." (there's NOTHING like the Peace that comes from His tangible presence, and I can't explain it away, even on my darkest days).
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