These are my babies, beautifully illustrated by the super-talented
FaerySarah. A Portrait commissioned by Mr G for his mam's 60th birthday. Didn't she do an amazing job? (She's
accepting commissions if you want her to turn your offspring into art too).
The portrait is now framed and hanging on Grandma's wall on the other side of the world. Where my husband is...
[She doesn't look a day over 45 in my opinion] |
Meanwhile, as hubby parties it up in the UK and Prague (where he is right now as I type this) I am here keeping the home fires burning. Juggling football tournaments and trips to A&E.
I'm managing (and feel like singing, "
I get by with a little help from my friends") but oh boy I am exhausted.
It's tiring being a sole parent. All you single mums out there, I take my hat off to you. I don't know how you do it day in, day out.
It's not so much the practical "doing" and having to put out the rubbish bins and break up every sibling argument my self, it's knowing that
I'm IT. It's all up to me.
Figuring out how to get everyone where they need to be - sometimes in two places at once - I couldn't do it without the help of my friends and neighbours.
This post is dedicated to them, my Angels, to whom I am most deeply grateful...
The Angel Friends List
Friends who have my kids. The first Saturday Mr G was away, it was the
inaugural Blog Camp and I had agreed to give a talk on Blog Design. With Mr G away, this meant finding people who were willing to have my kids for most of Saturday. Three kind friends stepped up: Justine, Nic M., and Karen. They allowed a member of my noisy tribe to descend upon them at an ungodly hour and included them in their Saturday doings. Angels, every one.
Friends who volunteer to "come with". My lovely friend
Meg made space on her Saturday to join me at
Blog Camp as my support person. Having her with me made all the difference in the world and I was able to be (mostly) calm and deliver my talk without panicking. Having Meg with me made this task do-able. (Plus we had a great time at
Blog Camp and learnt heaps - and Meg even took away an amazing prize).
Friends who visit. I had Nikki come to stay with me and she took to my kids like a duck to water (and they liked her right back). Then
Vicki txt'd and offered to bring over dinner to say thanks for helping her with
Blog Camp. Oh yeah! We munched on Turkish, and then
Cat joined us for dessert and sangria. We hung out, we talked, we laughed. Aren't blog friends awesome? I am grateful for all the wonderful women I meet blogging (especially when they bring food).
Sisters who take your kids on Friday night. My sis came by with my nephew and my up-visiting niece for a lovely drop-in on Friday. Of course my kids went nuts showing off (as kids do); backflips on the trampoline etc. Nek Minit an Air Raid Siren: Miss Fab has landed funny on her arm. Oh no, off to A&E I go to spend Friday night waiting for XRays. My sis took my boys off for dinner at One Tree Hill and games with big cuzzies. So grateful. (Arm not broken; not sure if I'm more grateful or ANNOYED).
Friends who take kids on a Sunday. Football tournaments are long and boring unless you're playing in them (or are the mother of someone who is). It's not the place for restless children. With hubby away I needed to farm out my kids on Sunday so I could support Dash at his tourny. Two kind friends stepped up. Sammy B., and
Gail. Legends. (Gail turned out to be poorly on the day but she didn't bail on me; she never even let on - so grateful)
Cleaners who live across the road. My lovely cleaner may be my favourite person in the world right now. I am so incredibly grateful to have her services twice a week. I am also hugely grateful for the success of
my little Etsy Shop which funds my beloved life-saving cleaner. To have a couple of days a week where you don't have to make your bed or empty the dishwasher. To not have to scrub your own loo. Could I BE more grateful?
[at Cousin Cath's wedding - a glorious occasion apparently] |
So while hubby explores Europe, plays golf and goes to posh weddings without me *sniff* I will keep on keeping on, juggling sports fixtures and doctors visits, with a little help from my (awesome) friends for another week and a half. GRATEFUL MUCH.
(Now to check on my lad who has come down with diarrhoea - oh yeah. Also grateful to Linda for taking the other two kids to school for me today. Where would I be without my friends?)
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Gratefully Yours,
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