Hello Monday, here you are again.
A new weeks begins. And from now on I'm going to begin it with Gratefulness.
Yes indeedy, from now on The Grateful Project will live on once a week right here on my blog.
I will share a round-up of all the things I'm Grateful for. You can share yours too if you want to.
There will be a linky for any "grateful" blog posts, which will be open for a Month, and I'll also embed the instagram
#thegratefulproject hashtag feed... so any of you Instagram "Gratefuls" will show up here automagically...
(So if you're sharing an Instaphoto of something you're grateful for, go ahead and tag it so it shows up here)
Now for my very own gratefuls. Quite a bunch of them, really.
As I've said before, the more you look for the blessings in your life, the more you find.
Here's just a sampling of mine...

I am grateful for our wonderful babysitter, Lupe. Do you know that EVERY time she babysits for us, we come home to NO DISHES. Every time, she washes, dries and puts them away. Not only that, she empties the dishwasher as well. She's a marvel. We all love Lupe to absolute bits and are very very grateful for her

Sticking with the "housework" theme, I am also incredibly grateful for our young neighbour, Rebecca, who comes in twice a week and CLEANS.Most of all, I am grateful that my own effort and ingenuity is paying for the cleaning. Oh Yes:
my invitations are selling on Etsy to fund my cleaner. So I am also very grateful for good sales - and that I don't need to be guilty about having a cleaner because I am funding it myself, and therefore, in my own way, I am accomplishing a clean house.

I am grateful for my friend Virginia. A long-time dear friend who emigrated (with her gorgeous family) to Oz over 15 years ago and is now BACK. I enjoy hanging out with her so much. She's wise, hospitable, caring, genuine and generous. Example: On Thursday I was hanging with Virge, when I get a phone call from school: Dash has had an accident playing football; I need to come and take him to A&E for an Xray. As I go to leave Virginia hands me a bag full of the delicious chocolate muffins she'd been baking. "Take them for the kids" she says. Lovely. (And the kids were most grateful too)

I am grateful that Dash's injury was nothing serious. Just some deep bruising, no broken bones no ligaments torn. Meanwhile Dash is grateful that they gave him crutches, and a day off school. And when we called in at school to
show off his crutches pick up the other kids, he was a hero. They sat him on a "throne" and the teacher said how much they had all missed him in class that day. He felt really special and wanted. A nice feeling, for any kid.

I am grateful for good friends who send great books. Miriam sent me The Happiness Project! I am looking forward to sinking my teeth into it as soon as I finish wading through Middle Earth. Thankyou Miriam!
And finally. I am grateful for everyone who contributed to my nephew Joel's fundraising campaign. I am also grateful that we have sold 4 out of 5 items on TradeMe (including our dear wee Triang trike and trailer. So many memories)... so that all help get Joel to a total of USD$7,800 (around NZD$10,000).
So many other things to be grateful for, but this post is long enough already.
If perchance you happened to write a grateful post anytime since The Grateful Project started, I'd love you to link it up below. Or use the #thegratefulproject hashtag on instagram (and twitter).
There's even a button if you want...
Gratefully Yours,
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