Saturday morning. Hubby is out cycling with my dad; I didn't even hear him get up. The clouds are greying out the sun; Dash has a football game and tonight we have a babysitter. Going out for dinner courtesy of Sophie (still so very grateful for that).
Mornings don't always start swimmingly round here.
I usually wake with a brain at half mast but today's batch of cotton-wool-brain is particularly woolly, so I have had to dig deep to come up with my gratefuls today.
But however mundane they may appear, the gratitude is genuine.

Grateful for modern labour saving devices. Would have been a disaster to have been born in the Victorian era. I would have been labelled a "slattern". Laura Ingalls I am not.
Grateful for finally having a reliable dishwasher that doesn't leak. I put the dishes in. I turn the dishwasher on. I walk away. It's like magic.
Grateful for the microwave. Useful in so many ways, especially in the morning when your boy wants porridge. Oats and milk in a bowl for 1:30. No standing and stirring. No washing of pots.
I am grateful for a simple cup of tea in the morning. A chance to sit and sip while my head clears and my brain wakes up. (I might need another cup of tea. brain still asleep. Kids very much awake.)
****Late Addition: Grateful for the phonecall I just got off my dad: "Where is Dash's soccer game this morning?" They're going to come and watch. All of a sudden my head is clear, the fog has lifted. Grateful for nice surprises, family and football. (and my turquoise gumboots too).
What are you Grateful for today?
If you are joining in with us on Twitter and Instagram it is #thegratefulproject. I have been really encouraged by all the messages from people who are wanting to give this a go. And I am finding my whole outlook is more positive already - I'm so GRATEFUL Jane set me this homework.
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