Apparently that fact is some kind of web-miracle.
Unbeknown to me, my blog has been crashing people's internet browsers.
I tried to track down the problem - a rogue gadget was my guess. I deleted it (no matter that it was clever - if it crashes people's browsers it has to go).
Then I heard via a friend that my comment system might be giving people problems too.
Pleeeease say it isn't so.
I don't want to have to uninstall Intense Debate - I would lose a year's worth of comments.
So tell me... does Intense Debate work for you? Or is it giving you problems/not showing up/crashing your browser?
Obviously if you can't comment (cos the comment system isn't showing up for you) then please let me know via email: Also if you're having probs, can you let me know what browser you use (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox etc). I will try to get to the bottom of things with the help of my friend Google.
And in the meantime, here are a few of the things I'm loving...
Loving FairTrade Goodness
The lovely Karalisa at FairTrade sent me an amazing box of goodies to celebrate Fair Trade Fortnight and World Fair Trade Day on the 11th of May.
I could not believe the selection of amazing coffees and chocolates she generously sent me: Whittakers - my fave - and Cadbury's - surprisingly! I had no idea Cadbury was FairTrade now too. I can't help but think that if a big brand like Cadbury is embracing FairTrade ethics that maybe the tide will turn and FairTrade will become the norm rather than the exception - which can only be good for the third world farmers. So good on Cadbury, and may many other big brands learn from their example (although Whittakers is far far yummier than Cadburys, in my opinion.)
I asked Karalisa about some of my favourite local cafes' FairTrade status, and it turns out that the fabulous Cosset Cafe (right around the corner and a favourite hangout) is FairTrade all the way, as well as being allergy friendly and super-cool.
This is Miss fab and Scrag (our new schoolboy) having a "sleepover" last night. Scrag has been missing having his brother right next door while he's been away on Camp, so Big Sister stepped in with a kind offer which included not only a friendly bed but also some Story-reading.
Loving Big Boys and Savings Plans
Dash returned today from camp (yay! we missed you Dash) and found a nice surprise waiting for him. He has been saving up his pocket money diligently for months, with the lofty aim of getting an iPod touch.
We've been checking them out on TradeMe and found a 2nd Gen in great condition for $80. Such a sense of pride and accomplishment for him, as he came home to find his iPod waiting for him.
We've spent the afternoon syncing songs to it. He's one proud young lad. And I'm one proud mama.
Such great initiative and dedication; the ability to delay gratification is meant to be a great indicator of future success. Yay for Dash. He's a saver.

I could not believe the selection of amazing coffees and chocolates she generously sent me: Whittakers - my fave - and Cadbury's - surprisingly! I had no idea Cadbury was FairTrade now too. I can't help but think that if a big brand like Cadbury is embracing FairTrade ethics that maybe the tide will turn and FairTrade will become the norm rather than the exception - which can only be good for the third world farmers. So good on Cadbury, and may many other big brands learn from their example (although Whittakers is far far yummier than Cadburys, in my opinion.)
I asked Karalisa about some of my favourite local cafes' FairTrade status, and it turns out that the fabulous Cosset Cafe (right around the corner and a favourite hangout) is FairTrade all the way, as well as being allergy friendly and super-cool.
Just one more reason to love Cosset.
Loving Sibling love
Says it all really. How can you not get warm fuzzies when your kids enjoy each other?
This is Miss fab and Scrag (our new schoolboy) having a "sleepover" last night. Scrag has been missing having his brother right next door while he's been away on Camp, so Big Sister stepped in with a kind offer which included not only a friendly bed but also some Story-reading.
Scrag read to her (and she filled in his reading log) then she read to him.
You gotta love that.
Loving Big Boys and Savings Plans
Dash returned today from camp (yay! we missed you Dash) and found a nice surprise waiting for him. He has been saving up his pocket money diligently for months, with the lofty aim of getting an iPod touch.
We've been checking them out on TradeMe and found a 2nd Gen in great condition for $80. Such a sense of pride and accomplishment for him, as he came home to find his iPod waiting for him.
We've spent the afternoon syncing songs to it. He's one proud young lad. And I'm one proud mama.
Such great initiative and dedication; the ability to delay gratification is meant to be a great indicator of future success. Yay for Dash. He's a saver.
(he also makes good pancakes)
Loving Miriam's Blog Makeover
I had the privilege of making over Miriam's blog this week, and managed to find a design which is totally "her". Go over and check it out and see for yourself. Miriam is such a wonderful bubbly colourful person and now I think she has a blog design to match her awesomeness. I'm feeling pretty proud of myself after experiencing a bit of self-doubt earlier in the week. So if you need your blog redesigned, you know who to call...

And finally, Loving Gems from the Kiwi Blogosphere this week.
I loved these two posts for different reasons, and wanted to share them with you.
the first is Jacksta B's Guide to being less sensitive. I loved this one, and could totally hear my friend Nurse Jackie's wise voice as she dispensed her hard-won wisdom about being overly sensitive.
The other one is Cass's post: "Pouring my Heart out (about Same Sex Marriage)". This one totally resonated with me. I loved the way Cass wrote it and the heart behind it and the way she expressed what I have been trying to figure out for myself - my response as a Christian to an issue which can be both explosive and divisive. I LOVED this post, and what she had to say, and agree with her entirely.
What are you loving this week?
What are you loving this week?
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