Every Saturday we will be sharing with you our ideas for family movie nights. Movie reviews and fun theme night ideas.
Our crack team of expert Movie Reviewers are this week reviewing Mirror Mirror.
We were pleasantly surprised when this one turned up in our Fatso bundle this week, along with the rest of our Easter weekend viewing.
It's a little bit silly, a whole lot of pretty and mostly it's fun. It aint gonna win any Oscars, but for a family-friendly movie night watch, we think this one's a winner.
Julia Roberts is the evil stepmother/Queen, and she's quite a hoot.
Snow White comes off as a little insipid at first, but in the end she finds her spark.
The handsome prince is a quite a dish (his character is written in to the movie early on, rather than at the end).
And the seven dwarfs are cool.
The movie is seasoned throughout with irony and humour, great costuming and plenty of action.
Enough so that my boys didn't mind the kissing bits (of which there were only a few).
I missed the very beginning of the film so I can't say with 100% certainty that there are no scary bits whatsoever (OK, the Beast in the forest might give younguns a fright, but that all turns out rather nicely)... but compared to the extremely dark and foreboding "Huntsman" Snow White (which I watched on an airplane - by myself), this one is great family viewing.
Oh, and keep watching the film to the very end... the credits have a cute surprise... and a slightly odd bollywood-style dance routine...?!?
Here's what our experts have to say about Mirror Mirror.
Dash. B. Cool: "I liked this movie, it was pretty cool. Apart from the kissy bits - yuck! The dwarfs were cool, especially when they were on the stilts. I liked the fighting."
Dash scores this movie's "coolness" as: ♥♥♥♥♥
Foxy Fab: "I loved this movie! Snow White was so pretty and the Queen was so bad. It was like the story of Snow White from books but a bit different. It is one of my favourite movies we have watched lately. I will love to watch it again"
Foxy rates this movie's "fabness" as: ♥♥♥♥♥
Super Scrag: "Yeah, kissing is yucky! I liked Mirror Mirror. It was funny."
SuperScrag scores this movie's "super-ness" as: ♥♥♥♥♥
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