19 February 2013

Brief Randomness on a Tuesday (but no excuses)

My life is a giddy whirl right now, with school back in full swing, invitation orders to fill and blogs to make-over.

This afternoon Scrag is having a try-out for "mini-ball" at the YMCA. His basketball obsession is only growing (a Michael Jordan poster now graces his wall; he comes running to watch the NBA clips on the sports news; he gets to kindy and and races for the hoop to start practising). It's so flippin adorable.

I just had to buy him his own basketball.
It just won't do to be slammin baskets with a soccer ball aye?
So when I took Dash clothes shopping on the weekend, we stopped in at the Converse shop and picked up a B'Ball for Scrag. It has been used. A. Lot.

Saturday was Mummy and Dash day.
Dash requested a day with just the two of us, to go shopping for some hip new threads for him.
I woke up on Saturday morning with a ten year old in my face: "Mum. It's today. Are you so excited? I am."

On the list of must-buys were: Skinny jeans, hoodies, a jacket

Dash at age ten is rather fashion conscious.
KMart is ok for the basics, but when it comes to pants and jackets, we need to shop around.
We had a budget. A Top Spend.
(And a notebook and pen, to keep a list of potential purchases.)
We headed to DressMart, the outlet mall in Onehunga.
And with some careful shopping around and notetaking, we managed to get

  • two very cool pairs of skinny jeans (coloured from Just Jeans; $15 and $20 respectively)
  • one very cool zip-up hoodie (for a steal at $7.50)
  • a waterproof Lotto jacket (lined and everything for $25)
  • some football shorts (just cos they were only $10)
  • and enough money left over to get yet another flat-cap snap-back from Hurley

We came in $2.50 under our budget.
So proud of ourselves.

And now it's off to be taxi-driver, pick up girl on bike (who had tryathlon training before school); make as-yet-unmade beds, take four year old to B-Ball tryouts and once I've slapped together a nutritious tasty meal and packed umpteen wriggly bodies off to bed, I am gonna sink into the couch and watch the rest of Season One of Parenthood. I am totally addicted to this TV show. How did I never see this before???

Back tomorrow. Promise.

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