Every Saturday we will be sharing with you our ideas for family movie nights. Movie reviews and fun theme night ideas.

We watched this movie many years ago when the kids were much younger, and I loved it. Recently I decided to give it another go, see if it still had the magic, so I ordered it from Fatso using the GetNow option.
Last weekend we snuggled up by the fire to watch Shark Boy and Lava Girl, and yep, it's still got it. The movie is all about dreaming, believing and "working to make it real". A great conversation starter, as well as loads of action and fun. I guess it's like being inside the mind of a child - it's crazy, colourful and fantastical; anything can happen and "sometimes your dreams are so powerful they become real."
Movie Plot Summary: Fans of Taylor Lautner get to see him as a pre-teen cutie, Shark Boy, best friends with fiery and irresistible Lava Girl. They are a figment of Max's imagination, a young boy who finds it hard to make friends, so he creates an imaginary world in his "dream journal". Linus, a bully, steals the dream journal and vandalises it, wreaking havoc in max's Dream World. Shark Boy and Lava Girl make an appearance and take Max with them to help restore order. Max has lost faith in his dreams and must rediscover that he is strong, and can stand up to the bullies and fight for those dreams. In the end all comes right, after some hair-raising adventures that test friendship, faith and inner gutsiness. OK, maybe all grown ups won't get this movie, but personally I love it. After all, I'm a bit of a dreamer who still hasn't quite grown up...
"Everything that Is began with a Dream" ~ LAVA GIRL
Here's what our experts have to say about The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl
Dash. B. Cool: "It was alright. I liked it when SharkBoy turned into a Shark. I learned that you can dream with your eyes open and make your dreams come real. Some parts in it were a bit funny. I'll rate this one a Two."
Dash scores this movie's "coolness" as: ♥♥♥♥♥
Foxy Fab: "I liked the Ice Princess and I like Lava Girl; I thought her flaming hair was pretty cool. I don't think Adults will like this movie because they would just think its all fairytales and stuff. I learned that you should always believe in your dreams and believe that your dreams are real."
Foxy rates this movie's "fabness" as: ♥♥♥♥♥
Super Scrag: "I liked SharkBoy. Lava Girl had her hair on fire. I thought her name was Fire Girl. I thought it was good. I liked the end cos the baddies got losed."
SuperScrag scores this movie's "super-ness" as: ♥♥♥♥♥
OK, I might have left it a bit long to get the kids to give me their ratings! Seems that as time passes movies are remembered less favourably. But on the night, they all loved it, honest!
This movie is rated (G) but very young children might find some of the scenes a little overwhelming. However, if you keep the remote handy, you can always flick past any bits that the littlies are unsure of. Otherwise I think the whole family will enjoy this film, and it's a good choice for a family movie night.
Ideas to Make Your "SharkBoy&LavaGirl" Movie Night even more Super-Cool-Fab...
In this movie there are themes of fish, sharks, lava, volcanoes. Icecream and banana splits also make an appearance, so put together a few of these simple ideas and make your Movie Night into a Theme Night. Lava lamps, candles, banana splits (which appeared a boat in this movie), fish bites "lava icecream sundaes (with strawberry sauce)... even a watermelon shark?!?!
What are your best Movie Night Ideas? Send me an email with your ideas (include a picture or link to a blog post if you can) so I can feature it here on Saturday Night at the Movies.
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