Coolness is Victorian Day at School
(and putting ribbons in your daughter's hair).
Coolness is knowing that your kids go to an awesome school where they learn imaginatively and are taught creatively. Coolness is the teachers dress up too. And pretend to be strict and mean and against left-handedness. Coolness is the kids knowing that it's all a game and waking up excited for a day of pretending.
{Dash's Year Three Victorian Day HERE}
Coolness is a brand new Netball team.

...where they're still learning the rules...
Coolness is the lovely Maori nanny Umpires blowing the whistle and gently explaining why we don't run with the ball.
Coolness is how funny it is watching them learn on the go.
(Some people might find it a little hard to watch, but me, I found it rather entertaining.)
Coolness is autumn leaves at sunset.
Coolness is Kids having Chores.
Setting and clearing the table (Dash); washing the dishes (Miss Fab).
Coolness is hearing, "Shall I set the table now, Mum???"
Coolness is doing the dishes with my daughter. Drudgery transformed.
Coolness is my house. Our Home. I am so grateful for this place. I love it.
SUCKAGE is dropping your cellphone down the toilet.
How does that happen, you may ask? Well first you are rushing because you are late picking up your kid from kindy (again). So when you need to pee you don't stop to put your cellphone in your bag, you shove it in the pocket of your drapey cardigan. Then you stand up, drapey pocket tips and PLOP.
Phone in Loo.
{Double suckage is when it's a borrowed phone.}
That's some of what's been cool and sucky in my week.
How about you?
Linking up with two of my favourite bloggers... PaisleyJade and Maxabella

Things I'm Loving Linky is ending!
This is our last chance to link up... so go over and tell PJ that we love her and we'll miss linking up on Fridays. Maybe someone else could host??? Cos this is such a great way to round out the week}
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