Why are you so late with your post, Mrs Readalot?
You were meant to be reading "The Birth House" for Book Club.
What's that? Fishpond still haven't delivered the book you ordered over six weeks ago???
Ahhhh, so you've been waiting.
Waiting for a book. Waiting for Fishpond. Waiting and waiting.
And the book still hasn't arrived.
That's sad.
Sad that you are waiting. Sad that you have no book to read. Sad that you are so late with your Book Club post.
Sadder still that Fishpond are so slack.
I know, why don't you let your readers know how bad Fishpond's service is?
That'll teach them to keep you waiting. And waiting.
But why did you order from Fishpond when people warned you their service was so poor?
Oh it was .30 cents cheaper than from Book Depository and you thought it would be quicker because they are local. Ha. Ha ha. Hahahahahahahaha...
Sorry. I don't mean to laugh at your predicament. It's just, ha, so funny!
Fishpond. Quicker than Book Depository!
You took that risk for a mere .30 cents?
That'll teach you, Mrs Readalot.
What's that? You've learned your lesson and now you're an affiliate for Book Depository? That's more like it.
Are you telling me your readers will get an extra 10% off the already great prices if they click your links to reliable, awesome Book Depository which ships free anywhere in the world????
Come, on Mrs Readalot, now you're sounding like an ad campaign.
Lets get back to talking about Books shall we?
What have you been reading while you were waiting and waiting....?
Mrs Readalot Replies:
I have been devouring A Dance with Dragons, the latest book in the Game of Thrones series, by George R. R. Martin. Of course I had been waiting for my own copy to arrive from Fishpond (grrrrr) but it took so bloddy long I cancelled the order. And then my lovely friend Meg offered me her copy to borrow, and I gobbled it up in three days. It's a brick of a book, but it had to be done. I just had to know what happened to Tyrion and Daenarys and Jon Snow.I bought the first four books for myself for Christmas after hearing people rave about these books for years. My brother is a huge fan and he told me how they work. You start off loving one family (the Starks) and they are your heroes, the goodies. Then you get inside the heads of their enemies and start to... well... understand them. Care about them even. The bad guys become almost sympathetic. You start off thinking Jaime is a nasty nasty man, then you end up pulling for him. Tyrion seems like a devious scoundrel, but in the end you like him; there's more to him than just being a Lannister. You want to slice Theon Greyjoy's two-faced head off his shoulders, but in the end... you feel sorry for him. (Cersei though, Cersei has NO redeeming qualities. She is all Lannister - which is to say HORRID).
But now... the book is finished. It sits on my nightstand, mocking me, calling me back to the Seven Kingdoms.
I want to know what happens next!!!
Arrrggghhh. My brother warned me this would happen. Now I have joined the millions of other frustrated George R R Martin fans... waiting. Waiting for the him to finish the next book.
Seems I'm always waiting these days. Sigh.
{And for the purposes on Things I'm Loving... I am loving George R R Martin and Book Depository}
{Now I really want to watch the HBO series of Game of Thrones while I'm waiting.}
Mrs Readalot gives the Game of Thrones Books ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

P.S. If you've thought about reading this series, you can get the first four books as a boxed set from Reliable Book Depository for $NZ44.00 (free postage anywhere in the world). Try not to race through them like I did. Take your time. Read them slowly, savouring every moment... it could be a long time waiting for Book Six.
If you are a keen reader, you are welcome to join in.
How it works:
- Book Club members take turns choosing the Book of the Month and hosting the linky
- You can choose to read & review either the Book of the Month or a book of your choice
- Anyone can join in the linky fun - you don't have to be a signed up member
- Members are kept up to date via email, so nobody misses their chance to link up or host
- Linkies go up on the host's blog at the beginning of the month and remain open all month

Sign up here to become an official member and linky host.
April Book Club is being hosted by Leonie Dons at Sunshine x3
Leonie has chosen has chosen The Birth House by Ami McKay.
The book sounds fantastic, a story about a Nova Scotia midwife.
You can read other people's reviews of the book here on GoodReads
You can buy the book from Book Depository (free delivery) for around NZ$17 if you can't find it at the library.

You can read other people's reviews of the book here on GoodReads
You can buy the book from Book Depository (free delivery) for around NZ$17 if you can't find it at the library.

May Book Club will be hosted by Amy at Mahlimoo
Amy has chosen has chosen Putting Alice Back Together by Carol Marinelli.
Fishpond lost my business years ago - never again will I go there :) Sorry to hear you are still waiting.. :( Game of thrones... we've started watching the series and it is brilliant - it is superbly done, the acting is fantastic and we are constantly waiting for the net episode... Did not think it would appeal but it is everything everyone has been raving about. One day I will get to the books too :)
cruising over from paisleyjades, things I'm loving. I have these books in mind for my next read, I just got the Twilight saga from book depository, throught their 10%off deal, for mums day, Im thinking 'the game of thrones' may need to be my bday presant :), thanks for sharing
COOL! Do you get a cut from the book sales? They must have really low cost prices! Amazing!
A series I have been planning to read for ages, must get that sorted! I've also had crap service from fishpond, shame really!
I <3 Book Depository. I suspect it might be bordering on an addiction.
I've had great service from Fishpond!! And why does Book Depository say worldwide free delivery but that excludes China!!?? Fishpond are local but their books may not be.
Haven't tried reading the Game of Thrones. MJ is.... I think I'll just watch it with him!
Bought my hubby the box set (minus the new one that's just come out) for Christmas via Mightyape.co.nz, of course I have to let him read them first, he's almost through the first one now, yeehaa, nearly my turn, I can't wait!
I have been known to try to save money and have gotten what I paid for too.
we are watching this series every night lately!! very thrilling. EXTREMELY violent!! (I have to look away) and LOTS of rudey....../porn(?!) but what can I say we are reallllly enjoying it..haha
I always love reading you reviews Simone.
My copy of the birth house took 6 weeks too, but I did order it from the book depository... They messed up my address. I have no idea how though as I ordered other things on the same order and they all arrived here quick smart.
5 months later... http://www.sophieslim.co.nz/2012/09/the-birth-house-book-review.html
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