
02 April 2012

Best in Blog - Monday Linky

Ahhh, another Monday. Which can only mean one thing around these parts... it's linky time.

Last week there were so many great posts linked up, it was hard to just choose a few to feature. In the end I had to go with the stories that gave me goosebumps and left me completely inspired.

First up was PaisleyJade's post, The Making of Me. I've got goosies just remembering her powerful, encouraging words. If you missed it, it's not too late to head over to PJ's Blog and get yourself a big dose of inspiration to start out your week.

Next on my list of awesomeness and inspiration was Meg's  Switch Off Sundays. I love the simplicity of it, the lovely photos and the reminder that life is sometimes sweeter without gadgets, when we take time to just connect and enjoy each other.

Finally there was Neetz's post, Letter to My Babies - a poem to her kids about how much they mean to her. It got me all misty-eyed, so thanks Neetz.

The Best of Me
The best part of last week for me was what I'm learning on my Incredible Years parenting course... and all the positive changes we're seeing around our place. If you missed my story about that, check out Stuff I'm Learning that's Changing Everything. I think that was probably my best post last week.
But just quietly, I did also get a good giggle out of  Eating Snails... *warning: not for the weak-tummied*

Lego Giveaway Winners...
Now for the fun part where I get to give away stuff - in this case two sets of awesome Lego.
In the interest of fairness, I wrote down all the eligible entries on classy scraps of paper, shoved them in a bag and drew out...

(1) Summer Day and
(2) Neetz!

Congrats girlies! Now what I need is for you to get in touch with me by 3pm on Tuesday afternoon with your full name and delivery address so I can pass on the details to the nice people at Lego and get your sets sent out. If I haven't heard from either of you by then... I will have to draw out another name. So I sure hope you're reading this! Email me on

How to join in with my "Best in Blog" linky.

The "Best in Blog" Linky opens at 7am every Monday (NZ time*) and closes midnight Friday.
You don't have to write a special post, or take a photo on a theme or anything that requires extra work...
All you have to do is pick your favourite post from the past week (the one you are most proud of) and share it with us. I will feature my favourites on next week's Best in Blog.

Just one thing you need to do before you link up... Can you please dress your post with this pretty button I've made so your readers can find our linky too?

Best in Blog
Thankyou kindly!

(Oh, and please leave us a comment telling us why you picked this one... even if it was because it was your only one, hahaha!)

*For some of you US readers, that will be sometime on Sunday!


  1. Hi Simoney,
    I agree, PJ's post was beautiful and inspiring. Glad you shared it because I had missed it, and so needed to read that this morning :)

    I've linked up again this week, it was hard to choose because I posted about my sister's wedding day this week and it was so pecial to me, but in the end I went with the post I thought might appeal to others - Road tripping with kids. It has ideas for cool car games that we tried on the way to Christchurch and back, and had a lot of fun, so hoping the ideas might help other parents who are going away for the Easter break.

    Happy Monday!

  2. Happy Monday! Loving your positive parenting posts.

    The post I've linked up with is about my new journey in home-schooling my middle child and the reason I've put it as my best post was because it inspired a good blogger friend of mine to write an amazing post (you can read her post here:

  3. Really liked your parenting posts - especially liked the idea of letting kids know why they are being praised, as it's too easy to give a robotic "Good boy" sometimes.

    I struggled to choose my favourite this week, because - and this is going to sound a bit conceited! - I'm quite proud of them all! But in the end I went with the post that I enjoyed writing the most, which begins the story of when Tiny arrived, two whole years ago.

  4. Easter this week! My post is something I have meaning to do for I don't know a year or two!

  5. Thank you so much for having me today sweet Simoney! Hope you all have a wonderful week.

    Best wishes and Easter Blessings,
    Natasha in Oz

  6. Doh! MY Monday is just about over. I actually told myself not to forget YESTERDAY, but alas I did. Oh well! I know if I keep doing it then I know I will remember at some point. Things have been so crazy that I seem to be only posting once a week, but I am pleased to say that I am making them count. Last week I celebrated my Pule's second birthday and enjoyed a tender moment with her that I wrote about. It was very special for me. Thanks for the link up opportunity Simone!
