
26 March 2012

Best in Blog - Monday Linky

Hello Monday!
We're back here to do it all again, sharing the best of ourselves from the previous week.

I just had to share the best thing from my weekend. We ran a kids event at our house for the 8&9 year olds at our church. We called it "Kids go Wild" {a version of Dash's Boy vs Wild party, one of my best parties ever}.

Sensible people would probably be nervous about having fourteen energetic kids "going wild" in their back garden. But we are not sensible, and we loved every minute of it.

For me the sweetest part was seeing how the kids made allowances for Scrag to fully participate. He was enthusiastically welcomed as a member of the "green" team. He totally threw himself into every aspect of the competition and was encouraged and helped by all.

The warm'n'fuzziest moment was when I spotted the captain of the "reds" helping his little brother and just had to capture it. The gentleness, the encouragement, the LOVE that was shown. It just melted my heart.

Also warm'n'fuzzy was going to church and being greeted by parents raving about how much fun their kids had and how they came home buzzing. Awesome. This is us doing what we do best, helping to create connections and community for our kids and others to be part of. Best Saturday in ages, in spite of the rain that started falling half way through.

The Best of You
Now back to the business at hand... Loving seeing all the inspiring links on a Monday morning. Last week a few favourites stood out for me...

Elena from A'Casarella had a great tutorial on frozen chocolate strawberries. Elena has a way of writing tutorials that always makes me smile - this post was especially good since it involved chocolate as well as humour.

Alyna from ThriftyGifty's post about making homemade lip balm had me inspired. She makes it look so easy - and so purty!

And finally I couldn't go past Remaliah from Lily and Georgie's trip-to-the-zoo-in-France. She had some great animal shots on her twin girls' first-ever zoo trip. Most impressive was the close up of that crocodile smile. Yowzer.

The Best of Me
I have a few favourite blog posts from the last week, but I can't ignore the outpouring of bloggy love that followed my "Letter to a Meaniepants" in response to a nasty comment I received. You girls are awesome; you all made me feel totally supported, loved and encouraged. Some of the comments almost made me cry they were so lovely. Shucks.

I also feel I should mention my "Battle of Hoth - a Play Adventure" post - because it includes a Lego giveaway. In case you missed it, you really should go read it so you can have a chance to score your kid some free Lego. There are two sets to be won just by leaving a comment on the post - how easy is that? (Closes April 1st, winners announced here April 2nd. open to NZ readers only sorreeee)

How to join in with my "Best in Blog" linky.

The "Best in Blog" Linky opens at 7am every Monday (NZ time*) and closes midnight Friday.
You don't have to write a special post, or take a photo on a theme or anything that requires extra work...
All you have to do is pick your favourite post from the past week (the one you are most proud of) and share it with us. I will feature my favourites on next week's Best in Blog.

Just one thing you need to do before you link up... Can you please dress your post with this pretty button I've made so your readers can find our linky too?

Best in Blog
Thankyou kindly!

(Oh, and please leave us a comment telling us why you picked this one... even if it was because it was your only one, hahaha!)

*For some of you US readers, that will be sometime on Sunday!



  1. Thank you SO much for your feature and especially for your kids words. The fact that I am able to make someone halfway around the world smile with my writing is the biggest reward of blogging!
    `A Casarella

  2. *That would be KIND words, not kids words. ;)

  3. cool!!!! what a neat time that event at church looks and so good for fellowshipping too :)

    have a good week :)

  4. That looks like such a fun day! I think it's so great that you hosted such a wonderful event for the kids of your community.

    I selected the post that I did because it's a project that brings me lots of joy and that I'm very proud of. :)

  5. Oh thanks :) lovely to know someone out there is reading! Your weekend event looked fantastic, bet those kids will be talking about it for weeks to come. I've got a book out from the library at the moment called Run Wild- outdoor games and adventures which has similar ideas, great to get kids outside.

  6. I linked up a post about assembling an auction basket. I had a hard time choosing between but decided on this one because that darn basket took over my life last week ;)

  7. this week I made a really simple baby headband, I have chosen it because it really fits my brief for craft projects, really easy and quick and I didn't have to buy anything to do it.

  8. Hi Simone
    I seem to be having issues with your button unfortunately, I have tried a couple of weeks now to link in but the button doesn't seem to wanna work :-(

  9. I selected this post because I just sat and "blurted" it all out from my heart, and it says perfectly what my heart was saying .. about my babies <3

  10. that looks like such a great time you had with your church 8 & 9s yay for doing something fun and different

  11. Wow, you guys are the best choice to take care of an event like that! And lovely to see Scrag being included so thoughtfully :) Inspiring stuff. Thanks for sharing. Thank you too for mentioning my post! This week I'm posting a little visit we made last week to one of my favourite areas...chocolate, cute village and beautiful scenery pretty much ticks my boxes as somewhere to take our visiting friends! Hope you have a great play-filled week over there xx

  12. GDay Simoney! Hope your week has started well. It is all happiness and smiles here because we start our 2 weeks of Easter vacation on Friday-yippee!

    Thanks for having me today. Happy Tuesday!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  13. Can I just say - SO inspired by your instant-party approach to life - it's AWESOME! And awww that photo of your boys - keep that forever.

  14. Ah nothing beats brotherly love...happy sigh.

    For my favourite post from this week I can't look past the totally amazing wedding day of my little brother. I was such a proud big sister to see him marrying the love of his life. Just like your own story Simone, it took many years for God to bring 'the one' across his path. Hearing them share their two separate hearts about how they found their soulmate in each other was so utterly moving. I will be living off the memories of this wonderful day for years to come.
