07 December 2011

WW: A Real Christmas Tree

This little boy loves Christmas. He wears his Santa hat to kindy and sings Christmas songs at the top of his voice...
He can't wait to decorate the tree. Our very first "real" Christmas tree, the kind that grows in a forest and smells like Christmas should.

It is Daddy's first time helping to decorate the tree. Usually he leaves it to us, but this year is a year for firsts.
Sometimes when traditions become a bit stale and it seems like it was only six weeks ago that you packed away your fake tree, it helps to shake things up a bit. Try something new.
We were all like a bunch of little kids, excited to meet our old friends, the Christmas decorations, collected over many years...

{and our sweet Christmas angel with her Mona Lisa smile}
Of course decorating a real live tree has its drawbacks. There's the problem of getting it to stand up, for starters. Once you attach it with gold ribbon to the window and the table, you should be safe. But watch out if  it starts to slip... you'll be glad to have Daddy on hand.
 Then there's the dripping branches, because of course it was raining when you went to collect it. Just give it a good shake and mop up any puddles quickly. It's a tree. Water is good for it.
Ignore the needles that drop everywhere; it'll encourage you to vacuum more often (which isn't a bad thing). Just breathe in that piney scent... it says, "Christmas is here."
Leftover lights? Decorate the fireplace. Hang up the Christmas Stocking advent calendar you made last year. Never mind that the little stockings are empty. it still looks cute.

Then step back and admire your Christmas living room. Freshly (half) painted in duckegg blue. Smelling like Christmas. Sparkling with lights.

It says, Christmas is here, Woop Woop!

Mama’s Losin’ It

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PaisleyJade said...

Nothing like the smell of a real Christmas tree!! Yours looks so pretty!!

Jules said...

Your tree looks gorgeous! Love the smell of pine trees. My parents have sent over decorations I made as a kid, cross-stitched ones which I used to think were daggy but are retro-cool now!

I love the lights in the big vase too, great idea!

kezharry said...

what a gorgeous christmas tree it looks so thick and full, all the real tree's i see down here look like twigs! I'm a bit OCD when it comes to vaccuming so maybe i should get me a real tree, i'd love it!

alicia said...

Christmas just wouldn't be the same without the enthusiasm and excitement of a child. Love your take on the falling needles... lol. I must admit, we went to fake a couple years ago and I've been missing the real deal (even if it was a mess and made me sick).

alicia said...

P.S. Bath and Body has a pretty good fake xmas tree plug-in. You know, just in case... lol.

remaliah said...

What a sweet little guy! Your tree looks beautiful. I love the combination of decorations you have, from those you made, to the kids' to those bought. It makes for a special story! Love the lights...oh what a fun season!!!

Karen and Gerard said...

We haven't ever had a live tree since we've been married (14 yrs.) and haven't had one since ages ago. All I miss about not having a live tree is the scent of pine--I love that smell!

Stopping by from writers workshop.

Anonymous said...

Ohh WOW What a sweet little guy
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Arnebya said...

LOVE the look of excitement on your boy's face. We get a live tree every year. I'm hoping to get ours this weekend (then maybe the feeling of "It's Christmastime" will hit me).

Tiffany said...

Love the tree!!! I miss having a real tree (thanks to allergies real is no longer an option, boo hiss!)

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