I doubt that I will get the chance to write another post before Christmas. There's the ham to be bought (and glazed); the gingerbread house to stick together (and decorate); egg to nog and wine to mull (thanks to Meghan's recipe), and of course a suitcase full of secrets still to wrap.
But this year I am loving it all.
Unlike Last Year.
I wrote no notes for my advent calendar.
I scheduled almost nothing.
But somehow every day has brought Christmas goodness in one way or another, and this has been the most enjoyable and relaxed December in years.
I decided the other week that Christmas really is a celebration for all five senses.
Sight, taste, smell, hearing, touch.
For the eyes, there have been the sights of Christmas: watching favourite Christmas movies (like The Nativity Story, Polar Express), the spectacle of 10,000 glowsticks lighting up Vector Arena, blinking Christmas lights, decorations everywhere you look... Christmas is a visual feast.
My ears have soaked up the sounds of Christmas - new Christmas songs which ushered in the season with joy and old favourites which have moved me to tears.
The smells of Christmas filled our home - our first pine Christmas tree, the whiff of cloves hung on doorhandles. Soon there will be the aroma of baking tarts and glazing ham, mulling wine and roasting turkey. Each scent evokes the ghosts of Christmas past; reviving memories, reminding us how fast the years are flying by.
The taste of Christmas is still to come. Oh the Christmas goodies. The loosened belts, the groaning bellies {and please oh please some Lindt Chocolates in my stocking?}
Is it in the giving? Of course. Yes.
And is it most especially in the way your life touches another as you reach out and give a gift? Show you care? Share what you have? YES!
Christmas is more about touch than anything else, I realised.
And my kids are watching me. Watching us.
Dash had his eyes opened the other day as we were driving back from dropping off the gear to the City Mission.
"Mum there were real poor people there," he said to me as he climbed back into the car.
The line had stretched out the door, people queuing up for help at Christmas.
There followed a whole discussion about why they needed help, and how we are blessed to have enough to share with those who don't, and why we give.
"Son," Mr G said, "One day you'll find out that giving is actually more of a buzz than getting. Really."
I looked at my hubby and I knew he was speaking truth out of his heart. He lives it, he's not just spouting an idea. I felt grateful to be married to a generous man, who is modeling generosity and philanthropy to our children.
They see when we give to those in need. They'll remember how we make time as a family at Christmas to collect gifts and household items and take them to the City Mission.
They'll be storing up memories of how they helped fill up a shopping trolley with Christmas treats and delivered it to friends who needed a boost.
They are learning that THIS IS JUST WHAT WE DO AT CHRISTMAS.
It's as much a part of Christmas as decorating the tree and eating candy canes.
We give. Share. Reach out. Touch.
And in doing that, we discover the real JOY of Christmas.
I Love that.
Merry Christmas to you and to your loved ones.
I hope it is a truly Blessed one.
Much love from

Joining in with my lovely friend Kristy {as always}
P.S. For all my Christmas Posts over the years visit my Christmas Page
Beautiful post. Merry Christmas to you and your gorgeous family xx
blessings to you my friend
beautiful post♥
Love and Light
Have a wonderful Christmas!!!
Wow Simone this post is really just beautiful. Your writing is awe inspiring.
Youv'e got me thinking about the five senses, how have I evoked those in my place? Love love love this!
Have a wonderful christmas my friend. PS I am in Auckland in Feb, so Im hoping to come and sip a cool drink under your grape vine. You in?
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Glad that you have had such a lovely Christmas season Simone. Wishing you and the family a blessed New Year x
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