12 December 2011

Positively glowing

Spontaneity seems to be our theme this Christmas. None of the scheduling and planning that occurred last year and left me stressed out and disillusioned. This lack of pre-planning has some advantages.

For instance, when Sunday turns out to be wet and windy, you can snuggle up on the couch and spontaneously watch The Nativity Story - a wonderful Christmas movie starring NZ's Keisha Castle-Hughes as Mary. Really, its a fab version of the Christmas story. A great way to spend a wet Sunday afternoon.

After watching the movie, we were feeling all warm 'n' fuzzy, and in the mood for some more Christmas cheer.

So I txted my good friend Linda, the one whose hubby is the brains behind the most gorgeous Christmas video ever. I knew that tonight was the night of "Glow - Carols by Glowstick" - a Christmas event put on by their church {St Pauls}...

I'd heard reports of Glow being fab, but had always missed out on going in years gone by. When Linda txted back that she could get us some tickets, we were on.
We pulled on jackets and shoes and headed for Vector Arena, quick smart.

{Tickets are a mere $5 - with all proceeds going to A Girl Called Hope - a charity helping struggling  young women.}

Here's Miss Fab posing for me as the arena fills up. As we entered we were all handed a glowstick on a string, and given instructions not to "snap them on" until The Countdown. 

I managed to find this clip on YouTube which someone uploaded from last night - it will give you some idea of the coolness of the moment when the lights went out and the arena was lit up with 10,000 glowy glowsticks...

Magic. that's the only word I can use to describe that moment.
We wahooed and waved our glowsticks around, the atmosphere was electric.

What a wonderful event. It was Kiwi-style, no snow or reindeer in sight.
A children's choir, our national anthem, my favourite carols and all those glowsticks.
Plus the cutest Christmas video ever...

...and its {brand new} prequel...

We left positively glowing... emerging blinking into the light.
Confused, dazed... what? Is it still light out? Yep, that'll be the daylight saving.

Thankyou St Pauls, for putting on such a wonderful event for the whole family, full of the true Spirit of Christmas, honouring the birth of Jesus and filling up our hearts with a wonderful warm fuzzy Glow.

Listen, if you are in Auckland for Christmas next year, put "go to Glow" on your list of Christmassy  Things To Do. It's on my list for sure. See you there.

P.S. What is putting the warm fuzzy Christmas glow in your heart this year? Special Christmas Movies? Great local events? Heart-warming music? SHARE!

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gail said...

Putting the glow in my Christmas this year.... being away from the hustle and bustle of it at home has brought forth the closest i have ever been to the very first Christmas. It has been a real eye opened to just how much we fill up our Christmas season at home with function after function ..... theres no room in the inn for Him.
Kind of breaks me out.
Here where they put up trees but Christmas cards avoid the word "Christmas " ...... i cant help but think of Him and what is missing here.

gail said...

Argghhhh. CHINGLISH!!!!am having to use my phone to read and comment and it keeps changing the words!!!!

Mon said...

Wasn't it awesome!? That Kapa Haka group brought me to tears!

PaisleyJade said...

Oh wow - that looks like an amazing event!!!

Sophie said...

looks incredible! What a great way to celebrate Christmas!

Cat said...

so special Simoney!
those videos are soooooo cute, especially with the little accents lol

this year we are having a very different Christmas in the way that there is no extended family visiting and the family we do have here is going away...so it will just be us...I am already enjoying that : )

Love and Light

Anonymous said...

Looks amazing! I wish I had gone!! xo

Meghan Maloney Photography said...

Wow what a fantastic event...loving the video of your glowsticks!

And the new prequel video is just delightful too...beautiful..

for me this year, I have been going a little crazy with the crafting but I am enjoying the house being full of decorations, enjoying talking about Christmas with the kids...letting them wear their Santa hats everywhere...enjoying the fellowship of friends...and looking forward to celebrating HIS birth next weekend...aah I can really say that now it is less than 2 weeks away :-)

dearfutureme... said...

Looks like a super cool event!

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