
02 December 2011

Loving At My House

Loving. Grateful. Two of my favourite things. Wrapped up in the Season of Giving which began, officially, yesterday.

Usually I am the biggest Christmas-lover of the lot. My enthusiasm is usually unmatched, my plans for Christmassy doings, endless. But this year I've found myself going, Meh.

Maybe because it only seems like six weeks ago that we packed away our baubles, took down our Tree.
Whatever the reason I've found myself cringing at the sight of the Mall decked out in red and gold, wincing at Christmas gift catalogues in the post.

Until last night.
Last night our school held a Christmas Market. The kids were all singing in various choirs, their Christmas enthusiasm undimmed. So of course we went. And there we were, swept along in a tide of neighbours, Christmas angels ringing bells, stall-holders beckoning us to check out their goodies. It felt... good. Unplanned. Spontaneous. Community. Christmassy.

I bought a few things - couldn't resist these door hangers. They smell like Christmas, spicy and full of cloves. You walk into a room and catch a whiff of the season. I have plans to make some more with my trusty needle and thread.
I am loving my Christmas doorhangers.

Oh and we ordered a Tree. A real live pine tree that stands taller than me.
We pick it up on Sunday and I am so excited. Soon our whole house will smell like Christmas.
 I also love my new wordy chair cover. A tea towel, of course. From Grandma. It goes well with my wordy tea-towel cushion covers and my Gail's Bus Blind. {I also Love that Gail will be here in two weeks - squeeee!}
 I love flowers from friends that last and last. These babies are two weeks old and still going strong.
I love pretty things. Especially ones found and given in love. Look at my new rose tea cup - my mum found it to match my teapot. Love, Love, Love.
A shelf full of pretty. Pretty blue plates, from Grandma, in England. She saw that I loved old china and found these plates somewhere for me. Real English china. I love them.
Love my Whitley Bay tin sign. I love tins signs, and I love Whitley Bay, and all the memories we made there. A perfect combination, don't you think?
Oh, and I love my magnetic photo board, a gift from the lovely Meg. It's so funky, so cool, so very, very Meg.
 The frames are magnetic, you can switch out the photos, and rearrange the layout. I smile every time I make my morning cuppa, just looking at it and thinking of my friend.
I love my garden in full bloom. The roses, which I am about to go and cut for a vase. The orange Everlasting flowers that disguise the weeds.

And I love my house. I love the diamond-paned windows. I love that its old and warm and lived-in.
I am so so grateful to have this home, full of things that mean so much to me. Things collected from my life, things gifted by people I love. I love that every time I go away I am always glad to come back. Our kitchen may not be state of the art. My dishwasher may be on the blink and my bathroom floor may be wonky, but it's home.

And we'll be home for Christmas. With a piney tree. And clove-scented doorhangers. And family.

Bring it on.

Linking up with the queens of Love and Gratitude...



  1. Such a lovely post Simone - and your tea towel covered chair is inspiring :-)

  2. So much to love! A gorgeous post of loveliness and I adore your Christmas blog header!

  3. liking your new banner

    and your chair, all your flowers and that neat holey cup, your magnectic photo board, and your neat windows of your house

  4. Lovely... am so happy you love it!

  5. I felt rather un-Christmassy too until I read this. Love your precious things and lovely home!

  6. It's lovely that the Christmas spirit finally found you this the english china (big fan of that), and you are so lucky to have an old house with such character and beautiful flowers, plenty to love :)

  7. smiling so big it hurts....I love that!

    great reflections the real pine tree...yum yum


    Love and Light

  8. Gorgeous post Simone!

    I love your windows, your home looks like it has lots of character. We built our home almost 6 years ago now, back when I had no idea what I wanted in a home pre kids. I now wish for a home with character instead of the mass produced looks many home have these days.

    Have a great weekend. Make sure you share photos of your tree, I can't wait to see it!


  9. Oh my goodness.... I LOVE teacups and teapots! Those are just GORGEOUS!!!! Wish I could say I'm loving my house right now. Bleck! I feel so bogged down! I love the door hangers too! Think I'll whip some up as well. Found you on the Things I'm Loving linky. :) New follower!

  10. The door hangers are just so divine - Christmassy and homey all at the same time. They're a real find.

    It really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!? x

  11. oooh I missed this post but glad I caught it - love those door hangers and am inspired! love your list!!
