
19 December 2011

Christmas Party = Fun Fun Fun

Rain rain rain is all we've had for the past few weeks. So you can imagine I was relieved this morning to wake up to sunshine - especially since today was our playgroup Christmas party. With big brothers and sisters invited. At our house.

I prepared Christmas cookies (gluten free, dipped in white chocolate) and jellies - with cream and sprinkles on top. And summer fruit. Just to balance things out.

There was bunting and tinsel, dressing up and a Christmas Fairy who painted faces for free. Her name was Fairy-Miss-Fab. She's very talented and all her clients went away happy. Honest.

Christmas music played as the kids played and the mummies drank tea in the lovely sunshine...

We sang "Happy Birthday" to Jesus and feasted on the gorgeous Christmas goodies everyone brought...

Most impressive was this truffle mountain... Mmmmmm...

{I love how when you host, you get the leftovers}

Then we waited for Santa Claus. And we waited. And we waited. He'd promised to arrive by 11am, but by 11.45 there was still no sign of him. I spose it IS a long trip from the North Pole to New Zealand and I've heard that traffic over Australia can be really bad this time of year...

Santa Claus when are you coming to town, I txted him...

...just as he arrived, Ho Ho Ho-ing. Great timing, Santa.

We had to shush a few big kids who called out, "Hi Mr G!"
SSSsssshhhh! we said. Don't spoil it for the little ones.

The little ones were captivated by Santa's charm.
"He's a very nice Santa," one four-year-old whispered to me. Yeah, he is.

Santa is also great at games.

We were so glad that Santa could fit our little party into his very busy schedule.

{Santa did have to warn a couple of people that they were in danger of ending up on the naughty list...}

A few of the littlest ones weren't quite sure about the Bearded One, but overall our cheerful geordie Santa (bringer of sweets and player of games) was a huge hit.

In a rush we snapped a few pics of Santa with the kids before people had to rush away. Santa had to dash and feed his reindeer so there was no time for individual Santa photos, or the stories we had planned.

Never mind. You can't plan for bad traffic or hungry reindeer.

What a lovely morning we had!
All the better because each family brought gifts to donate to needy families through the City Mission.

{A few of the gifts we collected}

We'll get to deliver them tomorrow, along with food and nappies and outgrown clothes we have collected.
We hope that our little offering will help bless some other families this year... and help our kids think about others who don't have access to all the things we do. Get them focusing on giving not just getting.

A friend wrote a post on her blog recently about spoiled kids and Christmas. It got me thinking.

My kids are blessed but hopefully not spoiled.
Blessed is when they have what they need (and some of what they want).
Spoiled is when we forget to teach our children about 
generosity and gratitude.

May we all be blessed this Christmas.


  1. Looks like fun. Not happy we missed it. Am over all things spotty! Am considering drawing holly leaves all over Rangi as he has plenty of red spots for the berries! Love x

  2. I completely agree hosting is ALL good for getting the fridge filled - not that, that is why I do it of course!!! I think we are blessed when we realise we have something to give - time, stuff, money, care....

  3. what a lovely Christmas Party & go Mr G for doing a Santa stint - what a fab guy you have there!

    AND how FANTASTIC you collected gifts for the city kinda girl.....just make sure you hand the gifts directly to the mission as there will always be people on the look out for a quick buck (as I found out!).

    I like the definition of being "blessed too". For me being blessed is something that comes from within. it is the ability to appreciate and be thankful for whatever blessings you have, no matter how small. Some people have everything & more yet want even more. They never stop to think & be grateful. Mother Teresa had nothing of worldly measure yet she would consider herself absolutely blessed.

    And very interesting blog by your friend - totally agree with how it is example of FB getting a taste of the crazy & nasty. Definitely an example of FB encouraging cyber bullying!

    Anyway I know you are blessed so I will say may you continue to be blessed - to be surrounded by the people you love & who love you, to each have your health, food in your tummies, a roof over your head & a heart to share with others :)
