With a mere two days left of 2011 I figured it might be time for a bit of reminiscing and look-backing over the year. It's been pretty quiet on the blogging front lately as people (including me) abandon their computers for their real lives.
But when Mama Kat's Writing Prompts landed in my inbox this week, I knew straight away what I had to do...
1.) This year in blog posts...choose a favorite post from each month of 2011 and share.
So here it comes. My year in Blog Posts...
January: This is My Life
This post is one of my all-time favourites.
It sums up the joy and the reality of my life. Plus I had fun playing with vintage effects in Photoscape.
February: Recipe for a Great Family Adventure
This post records a fantastic weekend with great company in one of the sweetest spots on earth - a classic Kiwi bach with my friend Gail and family. We also got to hang out with a bunch of other fab blog-friends. One of my favourite weekends of the year in spite of storms, landslides and other obstacles.
March: Singing in the Storm
We faced a crisis with one of our children, something which stretched us to our limits and called for wisdom and skill as parents that seemed beyond us. This post was my stake in the ground, a confession of faith that things would turn around. A reminder to myself of miracles past. I felt as if a weight had lifted after I wrote this.
April: Sweet Humble Pie
Ahhh this one. The one where I finally realise (just one) of my glaring faults and admit it to my husband, my children and the world. And I discovered that there's nothing quite as sweet as humble pie.
I relaunched my party linky. Did you know I am party mad and I have a linky to match? I am and I do. I thought I'd throw this one in just in case you are party mad yourself and you didn't know about my linky. I thought you'd want to know, so you can link up your fab parties.
June: I'm a Kiwi Hear me Talk
This was fun and pretty silly. I figured out how to do my first ever (one and only) vlog. Of course my nutso kids get in on the act and prove to the world what geniuses I am raising.
July: Tangled Party
I can't ignore this party post and the others which go along with it - the how-tos, the printables, the Tower cake tutorial... I pretty much spent all of July thinking "Tangled". The outcome was rather fab, I must say - one of my best parties ever.

August: Last Cab off the Rank (My Bloggy Meetup Post)
A rather clumsy post-title I must admit, but this post highlights one of my favourite days in August. Bloggers from Auckland, Whangarei and even Wellington met up for lunch and hours of chatter. What could be sweeter? I love my bloggy pals. Many have become real-life friends and are very dear to me. I'm hoping that 2012 will bring many more bloggy meetups.

September: 10 Tips for Surviving Travel with Kids
This was a post I had been wanting to write for some time... and it was particularly appropriate because later in September I had to take my own advice and get prepared for a marathon 30-hours of travel from Auckland to England.

October: Postcard from Ireland
While we were in the UK, I got to fulfill a life-long dream and travel to Ireland for a romantic 3-day getaway. We stayed at a picturesque village on the Cork coast and had a wonderful time. I can tick "Go to Ireland" off my bucket list, but have to add right back in, "Go BACK to Ireland".
November: A Plain Vanilla Story
I finally shared my "faith journey" here on my blog. Gulp.
December: Simply Loving Christmas
Early in the month I found my Christmas spirit, and it lasted all December. I finally figured out how to really enjoy Christmas. This has been my favourite Christmas Season ever. I was relaxed. We did cool things as a family. We were spontaneous. I spent time with people I love. We tried new things. We ignored some old traditions that didn't fit us any more. And most of all we focused on what Christmas is really all about.
When I look back over this list of posts there's a bit of deepness going on here.
We weathered some storms, faced down some giants and lived to tell the tale.
All in all I'd say we've come through stronger.
I am ready to face a new year, with a relaxed attitude and some new insights into my blindspots.
In 2012 I plan to be led less by my unreliable feelings, and instead becoming more decided about doing things which will make me and my family healthier and happier.
So this is "See Ya Later" from me for 2011.
I hope you have a fab New Years Eve, and I'll see you all again in 2012.
When you will hear me say, Oh crap, next year I turn 44. Oh help, next year I'll be mother to an 11-year-old.
It's gonna be F.U.N.
July: Tangled Party
I can't ignore this party post and the others which go along with it - the how-tos, the printables, the Tower cake tutorial... I pretty much spent all of July thinking "Tangled". The outcome was rather fab, I must say - one of my best parties ever.

August: Last Cab off the Rank (My Bloggy Meetup Post)
A rather clumsy post-title I must admit, but this post highlights one of my favourite days in August. Bloggers from Auckland, Whangarei and even Wellington met up for lunch and hours of chatter. What could be sweeter? I love my bloggy pals. Many have become real-life friends and are very dear to me. I'm hoping that 2012 will bring many more bloggy meetups.
September: 10 Tips for Surviving Travel with Kids
This was a post I had been wanting to write for some time... and it was particularly appropriate because later in September I had to take my own advice and get prepared for a marathon 30-hours of travel from Auckland to England.

October: Postcard from Ireland
While we were in the UK, I got to fulfill a life-long dream and travel to Ireland for a romantic 3-day getaway. We stayed at a picturesque village on the Cork coast and had a wonderful time. I can tick "Go to Ireland" off my bucket list, but have to add right back in, "Go BACK to Ireland".
I finally shared my "faith journey" here on my blog. Gulp.
December: Simply Loving Christmas
Early in the month I found my Christmas spirit, and it lasted all December. I finally figured out how to really enjoy Christmas. This has been my favourite Christmas Season ever. I was relaxed. We did cool things as a family. We were spontaneous. I spent time with people I love. We tried new things. We ignored some old traditions that didn't fit us any more. And most of all we focused on what Christmas is really all about.
When I look back over this list of posts there's a bit of deepness going on here.
We weathered some storms, faced down some giants and lived to tell the tale.
All in all I'd say we've come through stronger.
I am ready to face a new year, with a relaxed attitude and some new insights into my blindspots.
In 2012 I plan to be led less by my unreliable feelings, and instead becoming more decided about doing things which will make me and my family healthier and happier.
So this is "See Ya Later" from me for 2011.
I hope you have a fab New Years Eve, and I'll see you all again in 2012.
When you will hear me say, Oh crap, next year I turn 44. Oh help, next year I'll be mother to an 11-year-old.
It's gonna be F.U.N.