A funloving mum-of-four from Whangarei {and self-confessed Craft Nerd} Kristy is one of my favourite bloggers - and people. We met through blogging, and I am pleased to say that I now count her as a "Real" friend - not just Bloggy one. Kristy has kindly agreed to share a wonderful post she wrote about The Big Weekend Away - a "coming of age" her hubby and son embarked on, that has inspired me hugely. When I read Kristy's original post I decided that this is the way I want to introduce my kids to The Birds and The Bees. I thank Kristy and her hubby Symon for being such amazing parents and leading the way.
Read, smile and be inspired...
by Kristy from PaisleyJade
My two biggest boys have just arrived home from a fantastic weekend away. This weekend was a very special one - this was the weekend where our oldest son had the 'big talk' (you know - the birds and the bees, becoming a man and all that sort of stuff) with his Dad.
When it comes to the 'big talk', parents often pick one of three options...
1. Leave it up to the child's school and friends
2. Awkwardly hand them a book to read when any tricky questions come up
3. Tell them to "go and ask your mother/father" if they want to know anything
Neither Symon or I have ever felt that any of these options were the best way to celebrate and learn about the exciting (and sometimes scary) changes that come with the journey from childhood to adulthood.
We have some great families in our church who I totally look up to because of their awesome parenting styles. These families have all fully embraced the role of parenting - and one family in particular have the family tradition that we have also adopted - The Big Weekend Away!
First ever crumble made by himself while visiting Aunty Shelley on their trip!
Basically, this special weekend is all about having a couple of fun days away with your tween (Dad with son or Mum with daughter) - indulging in yummy treats, doing tonnes of fun stuff, and at the same time talking about the changes that are up ahead for them. On the way to your destination you listen to a great CD which covers all the tricky subjects, and leave room for discussion or questions about what you have both listened to - in the middle of making the most amazing memories.
Lying in a sea of comics after visiting a giant comic shop
Here are some great resources to assist in your Big Weekend Away:
The guys had a blast - as you can see from the photos... and I know that a potentially awkward situation was turned into a very special time of bonding, setting up a great foundation for future discussions, questions and support.
So I encourage all of you with kids to seriously think about creating your Big Weekend Away when the time comes. I'm already excitedly planning my girl's ones... chocolate, movies, walks along beaches, lolly shops, painting nails - I can't wait!
Maturing into adulthood should be a celebration - especially after surviving the years of sleepless nights and smelly nappies!!
Here are some great resources to assist in your Big Weekend Away:
- The Big Weekend with Parents Inc.
- Passport 2 Purity with Focus on the Family
- Preparing for Adolescence: How to Survive the Coming Years of Change with Focus on the Family
Feel free to email me {Kristy} if you have any questions or would like more information!
Have fun!!
Have fun!!
Isn't that awesome? Kristy has a wonderful blog, where lots of love and a great big heart shines through her creativity and general awesomeness.
Kristy runs a linky every Friday, called "Things I'm Loving".
I hope you've enjoyed our first Guest Blogger.
What a brilliant, brilliant post! I love the idea! And I'm off to check out PaiselyJade's blog. Love the Friday linky topic too.
For some reason I am welling up here. I think the beauty of celebrating the transition to adulthood got me. Now too figure out how I do a big weekend away with twin girls. Seperatly or together? HMMM Thankfully I have a few years yet. Great blog post Kristy. You are such a gem. xxx
Emailing this to the hubby now! Awesome idea!
Love how blogger friends can become real friends :) keep up the awesome job hun - your blog is always a great read and you are so real! xo
Love this post from Kristy! Her and Symon are such wonderful parents taking responsibility for the children they raise :)
FANTASTIC - ::)) however, I've been left wanting MORE - I see they came to Auckland - I wanna know where they were when they visited the tunnels?
What a FANTASTIC idea xxx
This is SO interesting. I'm afraid we'd have to have that 'big weekend away' when our children were about 5 as they have been asking about sex since they were little. That is not meant to sound weird but pretty early on when i had a baby or two in my belly, the older children were asking how they got there & i'm very matter of fact, scientist, so i told them very frankly, suitable to their age, not penis & vagina things but sperms & eggs, they were fascinated. When they ask too deep, i explain that it's not quite suitable just yet for them to know, but i'm all about knowledge & not hearing the WRONG facts from some awful child at school. As it's been so innate in their lives, it's never awkward. They usually corner me, in the car.
Here's a nice example for you . . . i pointed out to my then 6 year old twins "look at those horses, they are making a baby" as one stallion was mounting a mare & one said quick as lightening "does Daddy hop on your back when you're having sex??" I replied with "oh no, that would hurt mummy's back" & then thought, why is my husband never around when these questions are fired??
Giggles, loves Posie
What a fabulous idea - I remember how embarrassing and confusing the whole thing can be so what a neat way to turn the whole experience into something positive - plus this way you get to make sure your child learns about things in a respectful manner. Definitely going in my memory bank - I'm even thinking what a cool idea this would be for lots of milestones - even for younger kids - like before they go off to school you could have a day where you are on your own with them, talking about school, buying school things, doing something special as a treat etc. Thanks for this awesome post!!!
As my little ones grow into big ones this is exactly the kind of thing that I hope we remember to make time for. Bonding individaully with your Dad or Mum is critical for both genders, I think. x
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