19 September 2011

Blog Tips: FREE Social Media Icons

You see them everywhere, don't you? Those sweet little collections of groovy FaceBook, Twitter and RSS Feed icons. Ever tried finding them? Or figuring out how to make them work?
I have.
I once spent a whole day googling, trying to find where to get them - or at least how to make them.
This post is the result of that day's work - and you get the benefit.

I have come up with a collection of social media buttons in various styles, formatted in cut-n-paste code just for you. I've even added in hard-to-find matching Pinterest buttons too - I made them to match each style.

All you have to do is copy the code, add in your own details, and paste into an html gadget in your sidebar. Simple as that.

Oh sorry, was that too fast? Too vague?
Lets break it down.

Here's what to do...

  • Choose your style. Select and copy the code you want (control+c) then paste (control+v) into a Word document. Save.
  • Replace the coloured text with your own social media details. Save. (If there are some Social Media Platforms you don't use, move the code for those buttons to the bottom of the page and keep for later, just in case).
  • Copy the new personalised code (control+c) and paste into an html gadget in your sidebar. Save.
  • Done!
  • If you want to resize the buttons, change the number value e.g. width="45"; Increase size by increasing the number e.g.  width="55"; reduce the size by reducing the number e.g. width="35"
  • To push a button onto the next line, insert a "break" e.g. <br/> before its code.
(You're welcome).

***UPDATED: After having issues with Photobucket hosting (my buttons were too popular for my freebie account??!) I have recreated the code for the most popular buttons only. Hopefully you'll find something here that you like ***

Wooden Buttons

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Coffee Buttons
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Red Round Stitched
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Grey Round Stitched Buttons

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Black Round Stitched
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<a href="mailto: YOUREMAIL" ><img style="border: 0pt none ;" title="Email" alt="" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhexF76FeAFF0yyJJ3EhyAkNdFshgc06N6BeXSdnV0x7eiw87Rzqir0j0I18APkZV-AmZCszzBTbiC5IEhscGPuegsCVV1lbwcTKoz34g1aubs4zAw-NvzGTosyiQch6MKy9u2S_arHFI4/s200/round+black+button+email.png" width="45" height="45" /></a>


To change the size of the buttons, just adjust the "width" and "height" numbers to suit.

If you can't find a style to suit your blog on this list, or if you want to add other social media, check out my other collection of buttons HERE - or alternatively you can visit this great website where you can find other great collections of button graphics (or create your own). 

Then you need to upload your graphics to Photobucket  or Imageshack (so each graphic has its own code address) Use the "direct link" code to create your own media buttons...


<a href="http://www.twitter.com/YOURTWITTERNAME"><img style="border: 0pt none ;" title="Twitter" alt="" src="IMAGE ADDRESS" width="45" height="45" /></a>
<a href="http://www.facebook.com/YOURFACEBOOKPAGE"><img style="border: 0pt none ;" title="Facebook" alt="" src=" IMAGE ADDRESS " width="45" height="45" /></a>

<a href="http://YOURBLOGADDRESS/feeds/posts/default"><img style="border: 0pt none ;" title="RSS" alt="" src=" IMAGE ADDRESS " width="45" height="45" /></a>
<a href="YOUR PINTEREST URL"><img style="border: 0pt none ;" title="Pinterest" alt="" src=" IMAGE ADDRESS " width="45" height="45" /></a>
<a href="YOUR GOOGLE+ URL"><img style="border: 0pt none ;" title="Google+" alt="" src=" IMAGE ADDRESS " width="45" height="45" /></a>
<a href="YOUR TUMBLR URL"><img style="border: 0pt none ;" title="Tumblr" alt="" src=" IMAGE ADDRESS " width="45" height="45" /></a>
<a href="YOUR FLICKR URL"><img style="border: 0pt none ;" title="Flickr" alt="" src=" IMAGE ADDRESS " width="45" height="45" /></a>
<a href="YOUR BLOGGER URL"><img style="border: 0pt none ;" title="Blogger" alt="" src=" IMAGE ADDRESS " width="45" height="45" /></a>
<a href="YOUR BLOGLOVIN URL"><img style="border: 0pt none ;" title="Bloglovin" alt="" src=" IMAGE ADDRESS " width="45" height="45" /></a>
<a href="YOUR ETSY URL"><img style="border: 0pt none ;" title="Etsy" alt="" src=" IMAGE ADDRESS " width="45" height="45" /></a>
<a href="YOUR INSTAGRAM URL"><img style="border: 0pt none ;" title="Instagram" alt="" src=" IMAGE ADDRESS " width="45" height="45" /></a>
<a href="mailto:YOUREMAILADDRESS" ><img style="border: 0pt none ;" title="Email" alt="" src=" IMAGE ADDRESS " width="45" height="45" /></a>


Enjoy your Social Media Buttons!

More Blog Design Tips

(P.S. If you're feeling eternally grateful right now... you can say *thankyou* by Following and/or by wearing my button.)

Grab button for Greatfun4kids
<div class="Greatfun4kids" style="width: 230px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="http://greatfun4kidsblog.com" rel="nofollow"> <img src=" https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh3vTUO1Q3LfF2S_KIc4v1EnVZphFoLUvsB1R5UjiQiR9CJnhVs2v6UyEBVmca2vADlFUzF8j7Ihs-M9JrQ2HkQ1SejNpGWr0yEuv5YF0jh_R-JTwNSZAWBQ0fHN6hx9GQsvPT0UCwGJ1U/s1600/lemonade+button.jpg " alt="Greatfun4kids" width="230"/> </a> </div>


FOLLOW ME ON Facebook // Twitter // Instagram // Bloglovin //


1 – 200 of 237   Newer›   Newest»
Anabella said...

Thanks for this post!! I'm sooo going to do this!!!!!

PaisleyJade said...

This is great - you rock!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks heaps for this!

Truth Mama said...

Thank you for posting this. I also spent a ton of time on google trying to figure it out, and this post is what finally did it for me. I tweeted a link to this page. Thanks again!

Katie said...

Thank you so much for this post! It's great to find nice, simple directions :) Found this on pinterest and will definitely be using your tips and exploring your blog :)

Meghan Maloney Photography said...

Yay I finally got around to doing this. Thanks for the great post and tips - I've added the Pinterest one you've got on your blog and I found a mail one too :-)

Anonymous said...

Thank you! It worked! ^^ x

Anonymous said...

Hey Simoney! I'm back...with a question. Is it normal that when you click on the rss-feed button, that a html-like text appear? Thank you for helping! X

Simoney said...

Hi Cerise (hope you read this)... I had this problem too and couldn't figure out how to fix it. So I went on the blogger help forum and asked... a very helpful guy told me I needed a Google Chrome RSS extension to get it working and provided me with the link which I will now share with you...


Go there and click on the link and it will (hopefully) sort out your problem! I hope that helps (let me know if it does/doesn't!)

Anonymous said...

Ow thank you! I'll will examine this in my spare time! Thank you for the help! X (I'll let you know how it went! ^.-)

Anonymous said...

AHAAA!! I got it! Thank you soooo much!!! ^^ xx

Rachel Cotterill said...

Thanks for all these links, going to see what I can find now :)

Anonymous said...

Great work! I found you via SITS today and I'm going to grab a few of these! Thanks for the buttons!!

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing these. (Any chance you'll add a Pinterest one to the coffee buttons?)

Simoney said...

If I get the time, sure, i can do one. Did you notice there's an email one for the coffee cup buttons? It doesn't show up on the graphic, but the code is there. Will work on the Pinterest buttons for them all when i get the chance... whenever that might be???

Unknown said...

Awesome thanks heaps for these

Four Marrs and One Venus said...

This is Awesome!!!! Thank you so very very much! Heading over to put in the coffee ones-- super cute!!

Unknown said...

I *have* spent a lot of time googling where to get these! Thanks for helping me scratch another item ff my list!

Keely said...

This is simply awesome. THANK YOU! I do have one quick question, however- all of the coloured pencil buttons work wonderfully except for the pinterest one- is that odd? It keeps coming up as a broken pic. What am I doing wrong?

Keely said...

I figured it out- and I went with the cartoon style ones. They look SO AWESOME, thank you!! Can I be a pest and beg you for a Google plus icon? ;)

Crafty Mischief said...

Thank you so much for this tutorial! You're pretty much my favorite person right now! I've been trying to figure this out for MONTHS!!!

Simoney said...

Kiki... I have added a G+ button for you. xxx

Young At Heart Mommy said...

Thank you so much for making these! I just randomly found your blog trying to add social networking buttons to my own! New GFC follower! YOU ROCK :)

Keely said...

Superb- thank you so much!! I can't wait to tell everyone how awesome you are. :)

IOU Coffee said...

Thank you! This was great and super easy!!!

Unknown said...

I have been trying to figure this out forever!!! Thank you so much!!

Dawn said...

Those instructions were crystal clear! Thank you!! I had been struggling with this issue, and it was driving me crazy! Thank you for solving the problem in such a great way!!!

Shirrell @ ShellandBake said...

Thank you!!! This just made my day! I have been trying to figure out these out for a long time!! Your copy & paste method took me a total 10 min to get what I wanted! Thank you!

Len A. said...

Thanks for sharing this! I finally got mine working thanks to you! Yours is super easy to follow. Been trying to do this for a month now and I just couldn't figure out how until I came across your post.

I went for the circle style buttons. Please check them out if you have time. Thank you! :)


Len A. said...

Just followed you on GFC! :) Hope I get a follow back. Thanks!


amberbarraclough said...

not gonna lie, i could cry right now. i can't tell you how many vague tutorials i've read on this where the teacher thought i actually knew something about technology. thank you for making it so easy!

Julia@Cuckoo4Design said...

This is awesome. The only codes I found that worked for me.
Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

I found this link through another blogger about your buttons. WOW they are amazing! I'm so excited to have found you!I'd love to see an Etsy, Email and Instagram image!!! LOVE IT ALL! xoxo A-

Carmella said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so happy to have these beautiful buttons on my blog now! You rock!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the ideas, they're awesome!! Can you show me how to add a YouTube button or point me in the direction of how I can do it myself, please? I am a new blogger and I want ti jazz up my blog. Thanks for the tips!!

kate mcleod said...

thank you sooooooo much! I was having so much trouble with the buttons I downloaded. I found your page and my word, it was so much easier and they look fab!!!

If you happen to know, are there any more icons for the 'coloured pencil' icons (Ie: blogger, tumblr, bloglovin')?

Thank you again!!!!

Simoney said...

Hey girls, I would love to add in all the extra buttons some of you have mentioned... but as you can probably imagine it's a time consuming process. If you let me know which STYLE of button you want it could be quicker. But in the meantime, you can always find a complete set in another style on the website I've given the link for and use my code and Photobucket to create your own full set. Otherwise you might be waiting a while, cos my To Do list is Loooong..... ♥

kate mcleod said...

Hi Simmoney,

If you have the buttons in the coloured pencil style for blogger, bloglovin' and tumblr I would love to use them.

also, there is a extra word in the pinterest html. your written in caps just after the first link.

Simoney said...

OK, Phew. What a mission. But I have finally created buttons in the colour pencil style for Instagram, Etsy, Google+, Bloglovin, Blogger, Tumblr and Flickr! If you are after any of these buttons in another style, please let me know.
(I had some time this evening and there was nothing on the telly ♥)

P.S. If you appreciate all the hard work I'm doin', feel free to say thanks by Following (GFC is my favourite, thanks!)

kate mcleod said...

thank you!! : )

Carrie Robinson said...

Thank you! I have been trying to figure how to add social media buttons to my blog site and this was SO easy! :)

Shawn said...

This is awesome. You are awesome! Now following your awesomeness :)

Unknown said...

Yes, I tried it out for myself, lol, and it is indeed a very trying process. I scoured the internet for hours just to get all the buttons that I "thought" I would need. I finally just had to make my own using some of the tips you've given. I didn't give up, lol, but I definitely had to compromise. I am so thoroughly scared from this experience, that I doubt I will have the audacity to make another set of social media buttons for a long, long time.

Unknown said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Naturally Mindful said...

I can't thank you enough! I don't know how I ended up here but boy am I glad I did! I'm a new blogger and I'm taking it seriously but don't have the money to pay for a costume design. Yet, the wooded buttons fit my page perfectly! ...um and I snooped around you blog, great stuff! New follower!

Unknown said...

Thank you very much for sharing this. I just installed the buttons on my blog.
Kind regards

LatteJunkie said...

Thank you! LOVE the coffee cups :D

Millie said...

Am so thankful in a way I cant even explain. Great work and Thank You!

Jennifer Castro said...

And again... THANK YOU!!! Worked perfectly!

Vicki @ Grams Made It said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I've been trying to do this on my own for quite a while. I'll be adding this tomorrow!

Shannon said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Super-duper easy to add to my blog. Love this, thanks again!

The Dose of Reality said...

These are SO AWESOME! I am totally doing this later today when my girls are at camp and I can concentrate! ;)
Thank you! :)
Stopping by from SITS and so glad I did!

KatBouska said...

Wow! Great instructions!!

Leelo said...

wow! I have been looking for those for I don´t know how long time. THANK YOU!

Giada Beauty said...

Wow , I just discover your blog, this is amazing!
Thank you so much for sharing!
Now following you :)

Mama Fashionista said...

I can not tell you how grateful I am for this post! Thank you so much! I'm appreciative, so I am following! <3

Jill from PJgamers said...

Fantastic! I wish I'd seen this two weeks ago. I love how you've color-coated the lines of code that need to be personalized. thanks.

Paloma said...

Thanks! Those are very cute!!! I used the coffee cups! ;) ... I appreciate it!


Unknown said...

This is so amazing!!! Thank you!!! You rock!

Unknown said...

Beautiful buttons! You make it hard to choose! Thanks so much :)

Unknown said...

You must be the NICEST person in the world! Thank you for teaching everyone how to do this! Pinned it! Tweeted it! Singing your praises!

Unknown said...

Hi Found you through SITS thanks for this great informative post. I am bookmarking it so when I need to change my buttons it will be quick and easy to do. Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I think I might spruce mine up a bit.

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is AWESOME! Thanks so much. That was super easy. Yay, I haz a buttons!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks, these are great :) and exactly what I've been looking for, so easy!!!!

Venassa said...

Just what I've been looking for! Thanks a million!

[ a-lifeofourown.blogspot.ca ]

Heather said...

Thank you so much! I have been searching for social media buttons that I actually liked and I love these!! :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for making these available!

Claremont First Ward said...

WOW! What an incredible resource! Thank you!

Unknown said...

Love. Love. LOVE!!...New follower from SITS...thanx girl!!

jamie @ [kreyv] said...

You are my new best friend! Thank you SO much!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! You just saved me a ton of time and confusion! I just used this on my blog and it looks fantastic xoxo

Anonymous said...

Love this--thanks for adding the Pinterest coffee cup button!

Unknown said...

Hello if someone can help. I tried adding the buttons to my page and I am having 2 problems:
1) The Twitter button does not show up at all. I copy and paste it in the gadget box and I see it there but when I save it and come back and look its not there???
2) All my buttons are not showing up - all I see is broken picture icons???
Any help would be much appreciated

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for your help - the buttons look great on my site.

Kacie said...

I cannot thank you enough! These are PERFECT!

Alana, Author of Domestically Challenged said...

These are FANTASTIC - thanks for sharing!!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to do this right now. You are the best. Thank you! :)

pretty little things said...

so glad I found your page - these buttons have been driving me crazy! you're a lifesaver : )
I'm your newest follower!


#mommylife said...

just stumbled upon this, thank you thank you!! I've been looking everywhere for this! thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Oh thank you!! Have been searching for cute icons for ages and this has really helped neaten my blog up. Will tweet praise! In case you want to see how they look: http://littlemagicbeans.blogspot.co.uk/

Thanks again!

WinnerDog said...

Thanks for offering! WinnerDog LOVES his new icons ... Arooo! www.WinnerDogFinds.com

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for this. I will definitely link to your blog post for other bloggers to learn how easy this is!

Anonymous said...

Can somebody please tell me how to do it on posterous.com? I am lost...

Anonymous said...


Launna said...

I need to say thank you, I have wanted these little buttons that people can just click on so I can just clean up my page and finally someone who made it so easy for me, thank you again:)

Co-Pilot Mom said...

Just have to add my thanks for these wonderful intructions. You made it so easy!

Thank you again!

Rachel said...

This is great! I may personalize more later but this is a huge help for now! I didn't scan all the comments but just a heads up when I copied and pasted the vintage style buttons the facebook and twitter images are swapped. If that makes sense- the twitter image feeds to FB and vice versa! Thanks again!

Unknown said...

I can't even tell you how amazing you are! I have been looking for something like these and haven't found anything I like. I LOVE ALL OF THESE! Thank you, Thank you, Thank You!!!!!!!!

Simoney said...

Hey girls - THANKS for all your THANKS!
Rachel, I'm wondering if you've accidentally put your twitter deets into the facebook button code and vice versa... I had these buttons on my blog here for a while and they seemed to be correct (I've checked the code and unless the actual buttons were named incorrectly when I uploaded them they should be right)

If anyone else has a problem with codes being switched, please let me know?

Sarah @ 20 State said...

Thanks a bunch, this is the best explanation I've seen! woo hoo

Jeannette said...

I'm a little confused about where/how to copy and paste! Sorry I'm new to blogging/blogger - can anyone help out :-)

Simoney said...

Hi Jeanette - these things look very complicated when you're new to it all don't they? Gobbledygook, all of it!
OK, so first of all you choose the style of buttons you would like to use on your blog by looking at the picture indicators at the top of each set of codes.

Then "paint in" the COMPLETE code for that set and copy it (right-click with your mouse and choose "copy")

Open a new document in Word and "paste the code you just copied into the document (right-click and choose "paste")

Now save your document somewhere you can find it again (create a folder for blog stuff perhaps and call the document "button codes" or something)

Now you need to find the "URLs" for all your social media identities e.g. your facebook page, twitter account, blog feed email address etc.

(perhaps delete the extra ones that don't apply to you so you don't get confused)

Find the URL's by clicking your facebook page, for instance, and copying your facebook page URL from the address "window" near the top of your screen. Copy it as before, then return to your Word Document, highlight the bit that says "YOUR FACEBOOK URL" and then "Paste" in the address you just copied by right-clicking and choosing "paste".
Repeat the process for all your different social media pages.

THEN save your document!

Now copy the whole lot of code (right click+copy) and go into blogger, "LAYOUT".
Click on "Add a Gadget" and scroll down until you see "html/javascript"
Click on it, and a window will open. Paste your code into the window (right-click+paste) and save.
Now view your blog and see how it looks.
Let me know via email if you still have any probs/questions, or if something's not working.


Good luck!

Jeannette said...

Great! I'm going to try it now! it was the html part I was struggling with because I couldn't find where that was on the blog! Thanks!

Jeannette said...

Yay!! I got it now, thanks so much!!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! I have updated my buttons, finally!! Stop by and see :)


Pamela Bates said...

I can't thank you enough. You just gained a new follower. I'll be sure to mention this tutorial on my blog, Mercantile Muse.

Tiff said...

Just came across this blog and it has been a wonderful resource. I'm now following!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this! I've been trying to find an easy one for wordpress.com forever and couldn't get the code to work right. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Margaret said...

Thanks for this! You took the guesswork out of this and it made my blog so much more cohesive! Thanks!

xo, Margaret


megan said...

This is fantastic!! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing these!!

D Leigh Gray said...

WOW! Thank you so so much! I, like everyone else have long been trying to figure this out. I am so grateful to you Simone for making this so easy!
To All: The "Wood" them turned out GREAT with my design. Check it out and follow me http://southandgray.blogspot.com/

Debra Cole said...

Omg, thank you so much. I have been pulling my hair out trying to do this on my own. I even got in a mini-fight with my husband, who designed web pages in the 90s, because he couldn't do what I wanted him to do. Ha! Thank you for helping out and saving my marriage. ;-)

Mrs. Jackson said...

This was amazing! I used the professional shadowed buttons and didn't have any problems at all. Thank you so much for posting the instructions. Come take a look if you have time. http://www.jacksoninthemiddle.com

Carlie @ So You Call Yourself A Homeschooler? said...

Oh my gosh, you are AMAZING!! Thank you so much for this. I am in the process of building my 3rd website from the ground up - this helped out tremendously!

Caroline said...

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! wanted to do this and had no clue how to do it. AMAZING!!!!!

Bonitiful said...

Hi, Thanks so much for that, I've been looking for the Pinterest button include on the set FOREVER!!! Thanks so much.

lolaloop said...

I've been trying to figure this out for SO LONG! Thank you, this is really helpful!

Unknown said...

Brilliant!!! THANK YOU!!! Will be posting this on Twitter via @fudryter. :)

Precious Runner said...

thank you for this.. it really works.. :)

Xiomara Maldonado said...

Thank you so much. I'm now using your Sketchy Pen buttons. You made this so easy to understand and use. I am truly grateful, and the buttons are all so pretty!

cHriStiNa said...

This is awesome! And such a big help! I searched a few websites and didn't find one as helpful as this one! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thank you thank you thank you sooo much...broke my head over this fr hours last night..and with your help i finished it in a matter of minutes...thank you

Karen said...

Thank you so very much. You made it so easy! I used the cartoon style buttons!

Mrs. Nali B said...

thanks a mil! i was able to do this in less that 2 minutes thanks to you!

Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic said...

Thank you so much for this gorgeous buttons and the simple instructions!!

The Rambling Readerista said...

Thank you for instructions. But, why is there no goodreads, because what I want is my blog to lead to my goodreads profile (not shelves), twitter and pinterest profile. Can you maybe give me some advice?

Unknown said...

thank you so much! It was very helpful!

Deb A said...

Wow...glad I came across this... quick easy and I am very grateful. I was trying to design my own buttons but this was much easier and cuter! Many thanks, Deb

Regina said...

I am so happy with the latte buttons! Even though I'm a complete noob with blogging, I was able to get them on my site without a single hitch. Yay!

The Domesticated Princess said...

Thank you so much for sharing all these choices! It was so easy to use them. I chose the faded stamp ones for my blog, and they look great! In fact, after putting them onto my blog, I used your html code as a formula to create my own buttons.

Bonny @ thedomesticatedprincess.blogspot.com

Melinda's Musings said...

Great buttons! Thank you so much!

Athena said...

Thank you very much! I put these on athenafleming.com and athenachristine.wordpress.com and I am subscribing to your feed. I am new to freelance and as I get started your posts and information have been so helpful.

Thank you for all that you do.

Caroline @ BBB said...

Thank yuo so much! I just added your lin ones to my blog busybeautifulbudget.blogspot.com if you want to check it out. They're perfect!

Janina - Elke dag zaterdag said...

Thank you!!! I just added it to my blog, it looks great!

irinapictures said...

Thank you so much! You saved so many of our hours and gave so clear explanation, your icons look great in my blog.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much. I had searched and searched for buttons that I thought were cute and with instructions that we easy to follow. Yours are the best. I have them on my new blog. Thanks again!


akawest said...

Thank you! I really liked your choices. :)

Masanobu said...

Thank you! I've spent hours looking for the perfect set of social media icons and could not find one with a Pinterest button!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! Your instructions were so easy to follow. I have 2 questions
1. On the coffee mug Icons when I apply the google+ code it shows up as a Pinterest button.
2.Would it be possible to get a matching instagram button for the coffee mugs!

Thanks so much. You gained a new follower via GFC


Unknown said...

Thank you Thank you! You made this so easy for me!

Yvonne Reynolds said...

Thank you for sharing this! Just pinned it and hope to give it a try later.

BecHeflin said...

What an absolutely fabulous gift you have just graced my blog with! Thank you SO much!

Joni Nickrent said...

Thanks so much for the awesome buttons and already completed code! Love the way they look on my blog! new follow too! Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! :)

Samantha said...

You make it so cut and dry and easy. I'M NO LONGER AFRAID OF HTML!!

Marija said...

I seriously want to hug you! THANK YOU!

Unknown said...

I love these so much...I have tried to copy and paste several times....Nothing is showing up. I am replacing my info exactly...any ideas?

Unknown said...

On second thought....I GOT IT to work - my fault...I was only copying the first line. I can't thank you enough for putting these up....a HUGE help! and I love how they look on my blog!
Thank you,

Shannon said...

Thank you so much! I have been putting this off because I thought it would be more difficult!

Martina said...

Thanks alot!!!! It so easy for me to do:)

PenelopeTF said...

Thank you so much for making this easy to do.

Ann Harrison said...

How wonderful! Great designs! Thank you so much. Following now :->

(Found you through Tip Junkie)

Unknown said...

Love you so much right now it's ridiculous. I have been HTML-exhausted for days trying to figure this out. Following! :)

Sus said...

Thank you so much for this. I literally had tried so many other ones, and I'm just an idiot with HTML, copying and pasting from someone that knew how do it was just what I needed! Seriously, thank you for sharing, I don't take that for granted, I appreciate you and all these cute lil buttons!

Lauren Elliott said...

love the wooden ones! thank you for posting this! :)

lauren @ simply free

Naturally Mindful said...

I grabbed the wooden ones a while ago, thanks! how about making a Instagram on those too??? I'd really appreciate it!

Our Greene Home said...

Bless you! Thank you SO MUCH. These are SO great and most importantly EASY TO USE!!!!!! Check out how they look: http://ourgreenehome.blogspot.com/

Unknown said...

AWESOME, thank you so much, it worked!!! I'll be sure to link to you! :) You can see them here! www.the5thlevelofmotherhood.com

Brigitte said...

Thanks Simone! I just grabbed some new buttons for my blog - you're a LEGEND!! XX

Clare Hubbard said...

I just updated some buttons~ You are wonderful! Thank you :)

Unknown said...


I am trying to add the icons but I guess I am a little slow! : )

After I add my personal information where do I go to post them? I have a blog on Blogger but the "add a gadget" will not let me add the code information.

What am I doing wrong?

Simoney said...

Hey Everybody... I've added a custom design service to my blog... if you need extra buttons or want a different style than what I've got here :)

Priscilla Jacqueline said...

I did exactly everything you said. And for some reason once I'm finished and check my blog to see how it turns out, it's just all codes on my sidebar. I must be doing something wrong, but I just don't know what it is I'm doing, because I did what you said to do from start to the end. Please help!

Simoney said...


(Try again)

Unknown said...

Thank you for this post! Until I am able to create my own to match my blog, I am using your "Vintage Style Set". Great job!!

Kat Heckenbach said...

I thought I'd never find this! Thank you!!!!

Unknown said...

LOVE! Thank you!!!!!

Christy said...

So awesome- thank you!!! I have tried making my own chalkboard effect ones which turned out cute enough... but I don't know how to make the background around the edges clear instead of white so they can be round and not have a white square around them, if you know what I mean?? I love the stamp one... I may have to switch over :)

Probably Definitely said...

Thank you! I have been looking for the "perfect" social media buttons for my blog and I've finally found them here. Thanks again!

Christy said...

Okay- so since you messaged me and said that you can do a transparent background in photoshop, I am determined (more like obsessed) with making my own buttons. I figured out how to do a transparent background but now I am stuck! I assume you have to host the button on an online hosting site- I tried shutterfly since I already had an account then realized I could only to jpegs... so then I made a photobucket account and saved the button there (http://s1355.beta.photobucket.com/user/ChristysCustoms/media/Blog%20Buttons/chalkboardfacebook_zps6e31fc75.gif.html?sort=3&o=0) and then I used your code and tried just plugging in my image location and my facebook stuff... but its not working. In the html gadget I will switch over to rich text and it shows what looks like a blank image with jagged lines through it- like to say my image isn't working. Do you have any ideas... my current code looks like this... never mind- it won't let me paste my code in ... help, lol!

Simoney said...

Hi Christy, first you have to select "backgroup - transparent" in Photo shop when you create a new document. THEN save it as a .png... BUT make sure you "MERGE LAYERS" don't "flatten image" or the background will return to white. Once you have saved your .png files, I have found that Photobucket is the best place to host the image.
Upload your .png files there.
Start fresh with copying the code from my blog, so any little errors won't be included in your new code. Just copy and paste the "Generic code" from the blog into a word doco and save.
Click on the image you want to create the button code for
and THEN click on the "direct link" code option to copy it. This is the only one which will work with the buttons code. Maybe this might be what was going wrong?
OK then find this part of the code from my blog: src="IMAGE ADDRESS"

replace IMAGE ADDRESS with the copied code from photobucket. Make sure to leave the (") intact and have no extra spaces inside them.

Then add your social media details, save and repeat for all the buttons.
This really should work fine if you make sure the code you are starting with is "clean" (error free) and that you copy and paste your personalised info carefully and correctly. Good luck!

Being A Wordsmith said...

Thank you for sharing this tip! It was just what I was looking for. http://www.beingawordsmith.blogspot.com

Lauren said...

Simoney, you're a legend! I have used the pink stitch look ones- is it possible to get a Bloglovin' one of these at some stage?

Mixed Kreations said...

OOH Thank you so much for the awesome buttons. Now I can personlize my social media buttons. Been wanting to change my buttons for cute ones but didn't know how. Thank you for sharing your tutorial.

Linda @ MixedKreations

Unknown said...

Love this post!! Thanks for sharing and helping us out!!

Glory~ http://anythingonmymindpr.blogspot.com/

Jessie Bolessie said...

Hey, thanks LIKE A BUNCH! I had no clue how to do that. The finished product is here... http://thesillygoosegirl.blogspot.com/
I love your blog. I'll be back to check out some ideas!

Laura Joseph said...

Thank you These were just what I was looking for and so easy!

Unknown said...

I was so frustrated until I came across this! THANK YOU! So easy and simple!

Stacie said...


The Cowgill's said...

Thank you so so so much! I have been trying to add buttons and got them added but couldnt seem to get them lined up in a row. Tried your code and it looks great. I just wish there was an Instagram code for the wooden tile buttons. (do you happen to have one for instagram?)

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!!

Ladybug & Co said...

THANKS And do you have the follow button for Bloglovin as well?

MaseyArnold said...

I love the latte links! Just to let you know, the Pinterest image link is on there twice. Once for Pinterest and once for Google+. I found the correct image for Google+ though on your Photobucket page: http://i788.photobucket.com/albums/yy162/donnasimone/buttons/latte-google.png

Thank you so much for making these!

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU SOOO much! You made this something even I could do and that means A LOT!
I want to HUG you!

Allison’s Wonderland said...

Thanks so much! I just added the cartoon style buttons and I love them! Your tutorial was very easy to follow!

Anonymous said...

These were SO helpful! A ton of thanks!
I've used the coffee cups ones for my recipes blog. They look just great! Don't you think?




GretchCannon said...

Thank you so much! I just posted these on my blog that I have been updating, check it out! Question - is there code we can add on the button widget that we just created to make the links open in a new window?

Unknown said...

Thank you SOOO much for your button and instruction. I just uploaded and created all the buttons on my website.. This is wonderful.. thank you and liked you on FB!! Daniella

Unknown said...

Thank you so much!!! Ugh, what a relief that I found your site!

Labiciclettarosa said...

for bloglovin Pink Stitched Style Buttons ?
thank you

notlikeacat said...

You are kind and awesome for sharing this!! I now have the Coloured Pencil buttons and my blog looks SOOOOO much better!! I want to share this everywhere!

Tammy said...

Yayzers! Thanks so much! HTML is like a trip to hell for me. That may be a bit of an overkill but I still don't like it. You made this sooooo easy!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!

Rebecca said...

I've put off adding social media buttons because I thought it would be difficult and time consuming, but with your instructions it was so easy. Thank you so much for sharing this!!

Anonymous said...

I thought this would be too hard for me to do, as a new blogger. But I added the social media buttons to my blog in just a couple minutes. Great post, and so helpful! Thank you, thank you, thank you. :)

Unknown said...

Wow, thanks! I'm using your wooden buttons on sistersmade.blogspot.be
I have a question for you: is there a bloglovin-button in the wooden-buttons-collection?
Again thanks!!

Unknown said...

This was so AWESOMELY easy!!! thx so much for providing this. Im a brand new blogger and I was having a little trouble with the tut from www.thesitsgirls.com

*being such a newbie, EASY is the best!!!

Sarah said...

This is the most valuable blog post EVER, thank you so much I love my new buttons!!!!!!

Unknown said...

One question, my rss feed button doesn't work. What could have I done wrong?

Unknown said...

I finally found something nice for my blog. Thank you so much!

Angela said...

Thank you! I've been searching for buttons where I could choose which icons to show!


Thank you for such a lovely buttons. I have already used it on my blog posts. Please visit: http://golden-retrievertraining.blogspot.in/

Simoney said...

Kendra, It's quite possible that if you're seeing a page of code gobbldigook, you might need to get an RSS extension for your browser, especially if you are using Chrome. That should fix it. Otherwise, just recheck that there are no extra spaces in the URL/RSS Feed link. Cheers!

Natalie@Pixielashes said...

I could hug you for this lol...thank yooou!! xxx

Unknown said...

Simone I went to the feed burner site and copied my blogs url into the correct space and it works. But I have tried to click the rss button on other blogs and I get the page of gobbldigook and Im using Chrome so I will look into the extension. Thanks again for your help.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so very much for the buttons!!! I so appreciate your gift.

ShuggaBee said...

cool, thank you!

Lynn Blaylock said...

I am using your vintage buttons. Thank you so much for this very clear post. I, too, have tried to figure this out with other on-line help and was getting no where. So much appreciation!

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