02 February 2011

Blog Tips: Making Clickable Links (Hyperlinks)

If you are new to blogging you may be wondering how to make those tidy little clickable links (hyperlinks) that you see everywhere... instead of having messy-looking code in the middle of your posts.

Here are some easy to follow instructions that will have you posting links like a pro after a few practise runs...

Making a Clickable Link (Hyperlink)
Open two windows. One is the page you are creating, one is the post you want to link to.

In the Post window, copy the "Post address" (URL) and click "Control+c" to copy it. Then return to the page you are creating. (in my example it is http://www.greatfun4kidsblog.com/2008/10/raj-party-indian-theme-dinner.html)

Highlight the Text you want to make Clickable e.g. Yummy Indian Theme Dinner
and then click on "Link" at the top of your post editor. Paste the Post Address you copied into where it says "Web Address" and then Click "Save". You have just made a clickable link to your post.

More Blog Tips:

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