16 February 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Strange Sleeping Beauty

{She's been reading Secret Seven. I guess she wanted a secret clubhouse...?}

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Anonymous said...

Fantastic lol

Neetz said...

Awwww man that is just too adorable.... so cute!! Bless her little sox xxxxxx

Mon said...

Actually looks pretty cozy...cute!

Dee said...

i thought she must've been reading The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe :)

Elizabeth said...


PaisleyJade said...

Very cute! I used to sleep in my closet and loved playing in there!

Gail said...


Jen said...

kids do sleep in the strangest of places dont they?

alicia said...

This one totally cracks me up!! Love the pics.

Little Hatchlings said...

That's the same question I had! Does she sleep there every night? soooo funny!

Anonymous said...

love and light

Simoney said...

Nah she just slept there last night...

she and her little freind made a "secret clubhouse" in her cupboard and then she went to sleep in there.

her dad called me in and said, "you've gotta get a picture of this!!"

So I did :)


Leonie said...

ha ha, too cute!!

Anonymous said...

lol, nice! kids fall asleep in the oddest places and look so uncomfy but you don't wanna bother them :)

Catching the Magic said...

Awww, so precious x

Anonymous said...

Love it. And of course she slept in there. Wouldn't you? I think my two would if they could fit!!

(yep, I'm slowly working my way back to the blogging world...)

Satakieli said...

Oh my goodness, that is adorable!

Gina Kleinworth said...

What a crack up! It certainly doesn't look comfortable- I think it is amazing how they can sleep the way they do.

annies home said...

looks like she has made herself a charming area

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