♥ Roses. Given to me by my Valentine...
♥ ...sitting on my windowsill next to these Lemons. Loving Yellow...
♥ ...and Blue. Loving these beauties picked as I walked along. Loving walking along too...
♥ Loving the library. Where else can you request a popular book and have it in your hands the next day? {can't believe how fast that was} For FREE. Mrs Readalot is looking forward to reading... The Red Tent!
♥ Loving school swimming carnivals for six-year-olds. The balloons. The hats. The smiles. Chatting to lovely friends on the sideline while snapping away...
And then spotting this little face...
Loving that she wants me there so bad. Shucks. ♥
♥ Loving spending the morning with this lovely girl and her completely edible children...
...who don't mind posing for the camera endlessly, even though this amateur simply cannot capture the fairies flying even after 27 takes...
♥ Loving two peas in a pod. Scrag and Rangi. Do they come any heart-twistingly cuter??
♥ Loving BOO! It never gets old. What's under the covers?? These two adorable rascals...
♥ ♥ ♥
♥ Loving these healthy-as dairy-free smoothies. Soooo good.
How do I make them, you ask??
OK first of all peel two bananas, wrap them in plastic and freeze them overnight {or better still keep a supply in there for whenever you feel like one of these divine shakes}
In your blender, break up the frozen bananas, add a couple of handfuls of frozen berries and then top with some light soy milk (or rice milk). Whizz whizz whizz. Slurp slurp slurp. Ahhhhhhhhh...
The frozen banana makes it so thick and creamy. No need for yoghurt. No need for icecream. Healthy and delicious. SO GOOD!!!
While I'm at it I should mention that I am Loving that Food has lost its hold on me. Or so it would seem. The Daniel Fast has been amazing, there has been a real "shift" in my thinking, not just my eating. It's funny cos I didn't really expect that. I set out to do just the ten days, and now even though I have "finished" I find myself preferring a soy chai latte, a fruit smoothie, a bowl of roast veges. I have nibbled on some ham and put milk in my tea, but I am just so happy eating this way. I feel no urge to rush back to my old ways. Long may it continue.
♥ Loving Little Bloggers...
My kids have blogs, what can I say.
Dash spent last night photographing his toys. And himself. For his latest post which he wrote this morning.
And made me upload photos for, in the midst of lunch-making and shower-taking.
Then as soon as he clicked "POST" he scrolled right to the "followers" box to see if he had any new followers. Because he had a new post, so he should have some new followers, right?
LOL. If only it were that simple. So if you feel in a generous mood, would you pop over to his blog and follow him. It would make his day, honest.
And while you're at it, wanna visit Miss Fab and Follow her too? Thanks! You're a Star!
Dash's Blog: My Sporty Life
Miss Fab's Blog: The AbFab Blab
And finally...
Loving Stan Walker.
This guy is the real deal. He came to our church on Sunday night and shared his story. Wow.
If you don't know who Stan is, he won Australian Idol last year, and his lifestory is incredible. Love this guy's humility, his honesty, his beautiful spirit, and the way he just loves God and it shows. Plus he is way talented and has cool-as songs.
Now I just have to get the album.
♥ I could go on. I could tell you how I am loving the cooler weather and the way my hair doesn't look like an aff without the 100% humidity. I could go on about how I am now used to my haircut and actually like it. Maybe even love it. I could tell of the sound of cicadas chirping, the sun shining, the way I feel so good when I do my art.

Hope is blooming inside me and it feels gooooooooooood.
Ok - you list is absolutly amazing - LOVING it! I am so off to buy frozen berries today to make your smoothies... and I love your photos of all your precious people... and sigh, very jealous of your beautiful valentines day roses!! Have a great weekend my friend. xoxo
Yeah for turning corners!
YAY! Simone, so HAPPY for you!!! Im loving what you are loving - gorgeous photos of a gorgeous load of blessings!
Ah, Stan Walker, amazing. I love that guy. He's just awesome. Have both his albums and they play continuously. Love him (did I say that already lol).
And the smoothies! Yum. Thats what I have every morning. I also freeze the bananas and have mine with berries and rice milk. I read over at Craving fresh about peeling the bananas, then freezing them on a tray, then throwing them in a bag/container and they are free flow!! It works great.
Take care my friend, lovely to see your beautiful smiley face on here today!
..and I popped in to visit Dash..
Oh Simone! Love it! Love you! Infectious JOY :)
loven' your loven post Simoney!!!
love and light
Lovin all those things...I love that shot of Miss fab...she doesnt see me...she sees me.. Priceless. Great pics...loving the photography skills!
thank God for the corners
I am turning with you
Hey gorgeous gal. Loving that you are loving so many things. And the corner, well I could tell before you even said it. There is so much hope and enthusiasm in this post it's just oozing from the page. Yay for you gal!
Those smoothies look amazing!!! You sound so happy. Go you. :)
Loving your loving list today! I love the pool pics...ahhh...how I can't wait for summer!
Great list friend, great list!
Lovin you and your list. Love sad Miss Fab and how she turns super happy when she sees you. That is very heart-warming. Love that little old me and my camera crazed/posey kids made it to your list. xx
Calling by from Italy via Sunday Song, what a lovely blog you have, enjoyed your photos and the music.
This certainly has been a refreshingly up-beat post my darling friend! How wonderful! I am so happy now that I have read this.
You are very lucky to have met Stan Walker. We saw him perform in the Brisbane Mall last year and after that Big Al made me buy lots of his songs on itunes. He has got a great voice and he seems like such a genuine guy.
I am sure that you know that we are all thinking of our Kiwi friends at this very stressful and sad time. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Take care, stay happy and blessings to you all.
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