15 December 2010


Today I coloured my hair, scratched my itchy bites while watching Scrag play at the park... and hoped the fuzzy wool that replaced my brain would dissipate before I need to use my grey matter for anything.

I've been thinking about spam.
Not the whale of a ham. The kind of e-litter that clogs up your inbox.
Letters from Mr Musubu, Mr Kangolu and Mr Tibuumba  asking for my very great assistance to transfer money from their frozen funds in Hong Kong in return for fifty percent of the loot. As if!
Do people still think those are real? Does anyone still reply? I wonder.
I must get at least six different versions of this scam in my inbox every day.
I wonder who these scammy spam writers are (and if they have ever heard of spellcheck).

I've also been a little bit flumoxed by my lack of Christmas Spirit.
What?! I hear you cry. You can't seriously be feeling un-Christmassy. But you put up a Christmas linky! You made an advent calendar from scratch! You decorated your blog header! You made a special Christmas blog page!

Why, thankyou for noticing.

But really. These are merely attempts to get into the Spirit of the Season.
I find myself nodding my head in sympathy when I read of people struggling with a certain amount of grinchy-ness.
Not for any lack of trying I'm telling you.
I've made rocky road for the teachers.
I've put up the tree.
I've written little notes in the advent stockings and done 98% of my Christmas shopping.
And still.

Decidedly unChristmassy at heart. Who knows why.

Then I read this post this morning, linked up by Gently Eccentric Mum. Thankyou so much, Ms Eccentric,  for linking up. Your post was just what I needed.

Ms Eccentric made a list with her hubby of what really matters to them at Christmas and then made a plan to fit all these into the Advent Season...
  • Spirituality
  • Family
  • Creativity
  • Community
  • Charity
  • Thankfulness
She also supplied a link to a free Advent eBook from a lady called Ann Voscamp at A Holy Experience with readings etc for each day of Advent. I am planning to scrounge up some paper and print out the remaining days. I want Christmas to be more for us than Santa and Stockings, gifts and pine trees. Maybe this might help.

So if you are feeling unChristmassy too, pop over and read the Post: Could socks hold the key to Christmas Peace. xx

PS My lovely friend Linda just reminded me of this wonderful clip put together by their church (St Pauls, Auckland). You HAVE to watch this. The Christmas Story told by kids in a unique Kiwi style. It's soooo lovely. The best Christmas thing I've EVER seen. It will make you feel all gooey I promise.

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