
05 December 2010

Guess Where I Am??

I've been gone. Out of the country. Off on an adventure. Did you miss me?

Bet you'll never guess where I am?

I am sitting in the Air NZ Business Class lounge at Melbourne Airport.
That's right. I said Business Class.

My husband, may God forever bless him, whisked me off on a surprise trip to Melbourne, Australia. We travelled in style. We lodged in a historic Victorian Hotel. One of those ones with a doorman in a top hat. We took in a Show. We walked and ate and walked and ate.

Three nights of kid-free bliss. {God bless Grandma. We're getting her some Duty free}

So. Here I sit. Waiting for our flight, tapping away on the keyboard in Business Class. Tee Hee.

And guess what else? The day that I left my very first article appeared printed in a magazine.

So guess what I wrote on my immigration form? (You know, the question where they say, Occupation...?)
I put, "WRITER".


Cos I got published. In a real magazine.

Full of good vibes here, I am. In Business Class (Oh. Did I already mention that??? Sorry. I hate to go on. NO I DON'T! I am so blinkin ecstatic to be travelling Business Class I am like a little kid in a sweet shop!!!)

Anyhoo, any second now they will call our flight and we will go and get on the plane and head back home.
Home to our lovely kiddies.
Home to our Christmas Tree.
Home to our lovely gorgeous beautiful country.
And tomorrow, or maybe the next day I will show you my photos.
Of Business Class.
Tee Hee.


  1. Life is good! So happy for you. xxx

  2. That is awesome! I hope you lived it up!

  3. Business class - wow!! How awesome!! While we were flying to and from Israel, I often looked wistfully at those business class people enjoying their leg room and comfort up the front of the plane. SO happy for you! Enjoy.

  4. Sounds fantastic! Bless those men that treat their ladies well and bless the parents who brought them up that way! Loved your article BTW - go you WRITER!

  5. wow!!! what an AMAZING surprise!!! WOW

    hope you had a fabulous break

  6. Congratulations Simone! What a fantastic achievement, being published! And good on ya hubby - fabulous surprise!

  7. what an amazing surprise!!! you go girl.. enjoy that business class while the rest of us just dream about it.

  8. Cool! Melbourne rocks! Business class rocks!

  9. Simone!
    What a blessing
    I would love to have a copy of your article friend.....where could I find it?
    I so love that...
    Anyone who has come here knows what a great writer you is your heart

    love and light

  10. You are a writer I have just read your article and have found your blog and cant wait to read more you have given me hope that i am not the only one going thought this Thank you
