14 December 2010

Classic Kiwi... Sandy Bay


While our northern friends shiver under their blankets of snow, we Kiwis Downunder are enjoying an early Summer. While they dream of a White Christmas... we dream of the ultimate Kiwi getaway... a bach by the sea.

We found our dream at Sandy Bay on the Tutukaka Coast this weekend.
The Bach (holiday cottage) was not flash.

And by that I mean it was perfect.


A rustic cottage nestled above the beach, metres from the sand.


Eighty-six steps down a winding bush path. Everything must be carried down. Or up. No TV. No Cell phone coverage. We are far from the busy racing noisy civilised world.

The only sounds are the waves, the gulls, the tuis... (oh and the squabbling kids but lets just block that bit out)...


Brimming with memories and guest-books and cobwebs. The ghosts of summers past.


Rationed water and a septic tank (with flushable loo). The long-drop was long ago demoted.


An empty beach. A wide bay.
Nothing between you and paradise.
Cloudless skies.
Pohutukawa in bloom, tui birds swaying on flax.
A deck facing the ocean.
City lights too far away to cloud galaxies on display at night.
Mozzies and sandflies, daddy-long-legs and cicadas are your only neighbours.


Mussels on the rocks. Collected in bulging pockets-full, steamed, doused in lemon and slurped down.
Fish in the sea (and there they stayed).


Days spent swimming, jumping waves, climbing trees and reading books.


Days without looking in a mirror. or caring about what you are wearing. Beach fashion is so simple. Beach hair is so wild.


Nights spent having "sleepovers" with my kids in the bunk room.
We saw a wishing star, Dash and I.
He said, Mum make a wish. So I did.
I can tell you what I wished for since it already came true.
I wished for a lovely time at Sandy Bay with my family, far from the hustle bustle.
A little slice of rustic Kiwi Paradise.


I felt so blessed to give my kids a taste of a true Kiwi summer. No fancy gadgets. No plush amenities. Basic plumbing. Basic living. Surrounded by Heaven on Earth, truly.

What else could you wish for your kids than that?

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jacksta said...

Love Sandy Bay. Did you try some Cuban Havana Cabana?

Leonie said...

oh Simone!! You lucky thing! I LOVE sandy bay. A friends family had a bach there when I was a teenager and I spent so much time there...LOve LOve LOVE it!!
Looks like you guys had a perfect weekend - gorgeous pics.. the very thing I miss about NZ - beautiful beaches, total relaxation... sandy perms *grin* and mussels.. YUM!!!
what a great way to start the lead up to Christmas!

Sarah said...

Looks and sounds absolutely perfect. Gorgeous photos.

Laura said...

heaven on earth is right

now tell me, how do you do your pics in a grid like that?
love it

and love you

Weza said...

That place is magical! Love Love love Sandy bay!
Man I am home sick right now.

Lyns said...

That looks like the perfect escape. Is it a rental bach? Might have to get details from you xx

Mon said...

Fantastic! Love it!

PaisleyJade said...

Sandy Bay is the best beach!! Grew up surfing there every summer and know the people that own that batch! My Dad still surfs there most weekends. Yay for classic kiwi batches!

Meghan Maloney Photography said...

That looks like the perfect summer holiday come early! A true kiwi family adventure. I love the sound of the back to basics. Blissful.

SukiLou said...

I am so jealous!!

Brigitte said...

Aaahhhhh what a breath of fresh air that was to read! I could almost remember the smell of NZ native bush paths and the beach. What a PERFECT family getaway! I love the simplicity of the classic NZ bach - truly sounds like heaven and I'm so pleased for you XX

Anonymous said...

Bliss bliss bliss. I have often looked longingly at that bach and wished I could be idiling my days away there. Wonderful!

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