02 November 2010

Mummy Helper Me

Confession Time. Today was my first ever time being parent-help on a School Trip. Ever. Can you believe that?

My kid is nearly eight; he has been at school for three years. But today was my first time as parent help. On a trip or anywhere. There's always been a baby or toddler, and taking babies/toddlers is not encouraged on school trips. But now Miss Fab is in school and Scrag is in preschool... I have kid-free time!

Dash's class have been studying Technology and Transport Through Time (er, not Time Travel, the development of Transport... over time) so the trip was to MOTAT - The Museum of Transport and Technology.

The permission slip came home and I went to fill it out... and as I automatically headed for the usual tick box...

           [  ] I am unable to be parent help on the trip

...I suddenly realised: but I can help. Scrag is in kindy. I am trying to balance my life and do more stuff and blog less during the day... I will go on this trip!


Dash was so excited that after all these years his mum was finally going to be going on a school trip. Of course he wanted to be in "my group"... and somehow I ended up with a hard case bunch of ragtag seven and eight year old boys... plus two very sweet well mannered girls to balance out the crazy.

I loved every minute of it.
Even the constant head-counting as my energetic bunch were quick as lightning.
I enjoyed seeing my kid in his element, amongst his peers.


I loved being on the tram and learning about how trams used to be the main transport in Auckland until 1958.
I learnt that a tram line used to run all the way to Pt Chev Beach; and another right through Mt Albert. Things I never knew about my town.

I loved being the class photographer. I loved seeing the way the kids love their teacher - and how he returns the sentiment. I love the mix of "flavours" in the class, a real mini-united nations. I had fun snapping pics of my kid and his friends even though he pretended he was embarrassed and called me a Japanese tourist!


I enjoyed listening to "Albert" and "Fraser" the Motat Men regale us with tales of trams and trains crashed and restored, turned into dining cars and exhibits. I learnt plenty myself. How funny to see the horse-drawn carriage and the first motorcar side by side looking like twins?! Oh yes, the development of transport through time.


Loving the smell of diesel and realising that my grandad was a railway man. His job took my mother's family all over the country, cementing forever our family's gypsy ways (I went to ten schools).

Loved discovering a model railway I never knew existed... and a proper nice cafe that has been there all along! How many times have we been to MOTAT?? And never discovered the cafe with the nice Terrace and Tram Restaurant?

Loving that we have a Motat Mates family year pass (for the ridiculously cheap price of $65 unlimited entry) and that this cool working museum is on our doorstep and I can visit it any time I want with my train-mad toddler.

But best of all... I loved that I was finally On A School Trip, being a School Trip Mummy Helper.
I felt like a Proper Mother today.

I'm sure this is only the first of many trips to come...

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Anonymous said...

Awesome Simoney!!!
this puts a big smile on my face!

love and light

jacksta said...

yay for you mummy helper!

Jess said...

Awesome! I love seeing my school boy interact with his friends and teachers and this is such a cool way to do it. Glad you enjoyed it. You will be asking the teacher when the next trip is! Great photo's too :)

Mon said...

Haha! Same here. I'm going on my first mummy helper trip on Thursday - thanks to Johnny being in daycare now (and of course no more radiation either). I'm so excited!

Jen said...

GREAT photos :)

kid-free time is very good for you :)

MOTAT is an awesome place isnt it

I think its good for you and your children to go on those trips together :)

Ive always helped on trips :)

did you have a headache at the end of the day though???

Diane said...

Looks so fun. Glad you made the decision to go! :O)

meg said...

good job, looks like fun (and you got to blog it too ;o)) x

Widge said...

good on you simoney!
I always come home exhausted from those things! Don't know how teachers do it..

Sophie said...

Looks like heaps of fun!!! Yay! BTW, you've been a Proper Mummy for a very very long time already! Hmmm... getting on for 8 years now! :)
love to you,

count it all joy said...

Hi Simoney - you are an inspiration! I feel like I've almost been on the excursion with you...you were born to lead! How wonderful to have experienced such a great day with your beautiful boy. Meredy xo.

Brigitte said...

Sounds like a super-fun day!
I have such fond memories of my dad always being a Parent Helper on school trips and camps - I always felt so proud! And it looks like Dash was proud as punch having you along for the ride.
Nice one Mummy Helper-er :) X

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