25 October 2010

Feels Like Summer

What says summer more than toasting marshmallows over a fire?

Perhaps laying outdoors with a book, drinking lemonade in the sunshine?

Heading to the beach for icecream?

Sand between your toes? The scent of sunscreen and mozzie spray?

It's been that kind of weekend. A nice long weekend for Labour Day.
We did gardening, played family football at the park, ate fish'n'chips.
The kids rode bikes, ran barefoot, paddled in the sea.

It was the kind of weekend where I didn't switch on my computer until now. And I didn't even want to.
The kind of weekend where I picked up my camera only twice, because I was in the moment.

It's still only Spring. But Summer arrived early this weekend. And it was wonderful.

How's the weather where you are??

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Mon said...

Yes the weekend WAS stunning. I can't wait to post my pics up! Love that you had so much fun Simoney!


Ssrah said...

Beautiful! Wellington missed put on the summery weather, but we did enjoy some lovely family times too. I love the fire pics! You've got mr craving marshmallows now ;) x

PaisleyJade said...

Wasn't it an amazing weekend?! Your pics are beautiful - man I love New Zealand Summers!

Anonymous said...

Nice one Simoney!

love and light

Diane said...

Fall approaching winter..... very sad time for me now. Enjoy your summer! :O)

Losing Brownies said...

Yum! I love roasting marshmellows and making S'mores!! Your summer fun sounds amazing!

Lyns said...

It was an awesome weekend!! Loved it - only pain was having to start to pack up for our new home, and the need to clean this place for a viewing tonight. looks like you had a great weekend. looking forward to catching up. xx

Fay said...

We had an awesome weekend!

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