29 September 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Recipe for Fun

A lovely Spring day. Bored kids. Phone up some friends. The girls make a picnic.
Peanut butter & ham sandwiches. (Mmmmm...??!!)
We head to the park at the end of our street...

Recipe for Fun = Just Add FOOD.

Swing, slide, monkey bars and roundabout.
How much fun can be had with a buddy or two?

Recipe for Fun = Just Add FRIENDS.

Even Mama is having fun on the swing while the big boys kick a ball and the little ones look super cute.

Recipe for Fun = Just Add FRESH AIR.

Such a nice day you'd think it was Summer.
These kids did anyway. Back at home, on go the swimmers. Out comes the hose and some tubs. Who needs the Wave Pools when you have shampoo for bubbles?

Recipe for fun = Just Add WATER.

Along comes "Captain Dirty Underpants". Yes those are undies on his head and socks on his hands. So begins a waterfight. And the little boys up-end the tubs. Splash splash in the bubbles. Watch out for daddy's lawn!!! Oh oh. Now it's a mud bath.

Recipe for Fun = Just Add CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS.

Now we have hosed off and cleaned up. The Spring sunshine has dried us off. Time for something Yummy.

Recipe for Fun = Just Add ICECREAM.

What's YOUR Recipe for FUN??

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Danielle said...

What great pictures!! Can't believe the summer is over. I love the picnic pictures. Looks like fun!

Mon said...

Yes - we had the chilly bin filled with water and dragged to the sandpit for sand castle making. No fights for at least an hour too! Isn't today just glorious?

Diane said...

GREAT pictures. Love them all! :O)

Widge said...

Definitely water and underpants!! was going to do a post about that too!! we have had a very similar week :)
Love that pic of Miss fab in the bucket

O n T Schrock said...

Looks like all kinds of fun! Thanks for posting!

- http://ojphoto.blogspot.com

Sarah (Chez Lee) said...

YES, YES, YES! Loving your 'recipe for fun' theme and have to agree with all of your recipes. They are all favourites at our home too :) x

Gorgeous photos. You're so great at capturing the joy of a moment in a photograph.

amandab said...

Great collages, but peanut butter and ham!?!?!?!

Happy WW :)

Sophie said...

love your new photo montage thingummys :)

Sara said...

Nice Info my friends

Stylist A said...

Looks like a great time. You did an amazing job Capturing it all. I would love if you came over and linked up. xo ~Supermom Alysha

Stylist A said...

p.s. Your blog is really cute and I am now following :)

PaisleyJade said...

So good - we love bubbles, icecream, water and food!!

Losing Brownies said...

What a fun way to celebrate the great weather!

Anonymous said...

That looks like awesome fun! I want to join in myself! :)

Dee said...

looks like you got the recipe just right, i don't think there is anything left to suggest...except throwing a dad in the mix (that always ups the happy-factor around here!)
gorgeous pics! xo

Meghan Maloney Photography said...

The best fun is always the home-grown fun that you can make yourself. What a fab fun-filled day :-)

Lyns said...

FUN!! We had ice blocks, bubbles, a walk in the park and the joy of washing THree stinky muddy dogs after the walk!! x

Anonymous said...

You have so much fun! These pictures are awesome.

alicia said...

I'm a bit jealous that you are just entering spring and we are entering the cooler days which means snow is nearby. That looks like a perfect day. Will you be my mom? Happy WW! So glad you stopped by.

Maureen @Tatter Scoops said...

Oh sure looks like great fun times you guys had. Fantastic shots! :D Happy WW!

Jen said...

such a neat post
with great photos
I could done with a swim yesterday
Ive been busy gardening and doing my part time job

Anonymous said...

Oh, how fun! I love the way you use collages to tell a story. I'm a new follower!

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