10 September 2010

The Sun is Shining and Things Are Looking Up...

Last night when Child Number Three started with the puking, I thought, Oh No! Here we go again!?!?! And nearly went CRAZY. Really I have been sooo house bound. I look terrible. I meant did you see that photo on my last post? Awful. And that was the best of the lot.


This morning is a new day. This morning Scrag ate breakfast and kept it down and laughed and smiled and played and ran around... and I said: Off to Kindy!!! Did I ever get around to mentioning that he started pre-school/kindy this week? Yeah. A great week to start. (I rang them to check it was OK to bring him and they said, yes as long as he has stopped vomiting. And I said, right, we'll be there!)

So now I have... one at school. One at kindy. And one boy who spent last night vomiting but this morning wants to play PS2. And eat. And go to school (is he kidding me??)

And he has not vomited since about 12.30am this morning.
So I am hopeful that the vomits are behind us. (Please please please let the vomits be behind us).

And then the sun came out.
And it felt like spring so I threw open the windows and doors and said... hello world!

And then I checked my emails.
There was one from my friend and fellow-blogger Lyns who I was meant to hook up with this weekend. She has Swine Flu.

Oh no!!!! She has Widgey staying with her from Christchurch (where the earthquake was) for a conference. It's been planned for months. It's Widge's first time in Auckland. Ever. Poor Lyns. Poor Widgey.

Where can Widge stay? Who can she go to conference with?
Surely not the Plague House? Surely not the housebound mama?

I lay out the predicament before my loving husband and he said, Sure, she can stay here (the vomiting seems to have stopped remember; and it's still better than Swine Flu). And he said, sure you can go to conference tomorrow with Widgey in Lyns place. (Oh I love you my hubby, I really do, no matter what I may have said last night when I was cross and PO'd about the puking and all...)


So. The sun has come out and Widgey is coming to stay with me!!!
I'm going to put her in Miss Fab's Pretty Bedroom (Miss Fab can crash in our room on the couch)
It will be like hosting a celebrity!
I can't wait to meet her!
She gets to stay at my house (my ex-plague house... please let the puking have stopped for good...)

I am so pumped. My week has just turned from totally crappy to unbelievably great.

Poor Lyns. I'm sorry to steal Widgey away... I am so sad you have Swine Flu...

But I can't help being really really stoked that I get to have Widge at my house :)

And to top it all off, look at THIS!!! Yet another Miracle...

What is it????

Why, the bottom of my laundry basket of course!! Never before seen empty since the day it was bought. I have conquered the laundry! YeeeHaaar!!!

Things are lookin' up!

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Meghan Maloney Photography said...

It is cool to think that 2 of my favourite bloggers will get to meet and hang out this weekend. Maybe one day I will get to meet one or more of you lovely people in person if you're ever down this end of the country.

Hope you have a fab time at the conference...it'll be awe inspiring I am sure!

jacksta said...

yay for you getting to go to sistas! Have a great time! and Yay the whanau is on the mend :)

A Life Less Complicated said...

yay for an empty wash basket - I'm making the most of the sun and wind also
and yay for Widge staying with you (and look at that nice tidy room she gets to sleep in!)
Have fun at the conference tomorrow - have my fingers and toes crossed that the weather stays nice for you both :)

alicia said...

Yah!! So glad things are looking up. Not sure I know Widge? Have fun.

Anonymous said...

oh fun fun fun!!!
You lucky girl!
And Widge your a lucky girl.
All of us know that you Simone are the hostess with the mostess
Oh I am so pleased...slightly jealous...but so pleased
have fun have fun have fun

Anonymous said...

Love conquering the laundry!!! Hope your tummy bug is firmly behind you!

Sophie said...

Hurrah, hurrah! Glad the week is looking up!

PaisleyJade said...

I am so excited for you Simone!!! Poor Lyns - but so good Widge has somewhere else to stay!!! I so wish I was hooking up with you all - alas.

Have an awesome time - and yay for conquering your laundry!!!

Sarah Gauntlett said...

oh man! i want to meet Widge too AND YOU! she seems to cool for school! LUCKY it is like having a celebrity at your house!

righty-ho we need to organise a KMB conference just to hang out! haha

Mon said...

hoooray!!!!!! Now all you need is a sunny weekend really.
p.s I love your daughters room!!

Losing Brownies said...

ooh! How fun! I would love to do a conference of some type. You havae such a great hubby! and I'm jealous that your wash is done... mine, as always is still in piles.

Weza said...

The sun is shining, the birds are singing and the cows are mooing in the clover... (funny joke i must tell you in person one day.) LOL
So glad your household is getting better. Poor Lyns, we have had no mention of swine flu this winter over here. I hope she gets better soon. have heaps of fun with Widge, wish I was there to meet up with you both. Enjoy the conference too. xxx

Tammy said...

Look what happens when everyone is sick! Laundry gets done! Love it. Have fun at your conference with Widgey! You deserve a break! :)

Jess said...

Yay for a good day :)

Lyns said...

Gutted for me! Happy that you and Widge get to hang. Enjoy the conference and seriously very glad you are going!! x

count it all joy said...

So much to love in this post Simoney! {Except for poor Lyns....my sympathies Lyns}. Firstly, congrats on the laundry basket. You deserve a medal of some description...or some chocolate or something. I hope you and Widge have a fab time hanging out at the conference. I assumed you two already knew each other in the flesh. What fun! Love to you both and I'll be praying for an awesome weekend for all of you. I hope you will feel completely released to sit and enjoy and conference and not worry about the homefront. Meredy xo.

Diane said...

That poor boy!

That first picture was awe-inspiring! :O)

Dee said...

mega-laundry basket envy (i had to make my boys new trackies this morning because they have no clean ones left...and no sign of sun.../sigh)
and conference envy
...i really hope the pukes have stopped (have they??!)
have fun with BW xo

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