
23 September 2010

My New Do

In the past the thought of a haircut would fill me with dread. I used to fear the hairdresser the way some people fear dentists. Put it down to bad childhood experiences I guess - the mere sound of snipping scissors would have me breaking out in a cold sweat.


 My mop of hair just grows and grows until it has no style and cannot even be straightened properly... until I am forced to face the sound of snipping again.

So yesterday I went for a haircut, at last. {You can read my whole haircut story over at Undercover Bloggers.}

My stylist was "Irina" (I'm guessing her name); a tall gorgeous Russian. She doesn't say much but she knows what she's doing. 

"Chhhvat you vaaant?" she asked me in that cool-as accent. I was just going to get a trim, my usual boring safe option. But looking admiringly at her sleek hairdo I suddenly blurted, "Um could I have what you've got? Do you think that would suit me...?"

"Schhhure!" she said, and started cutting.

Finally Irina finished and declared me several years younger than when I'd walked in.

I walked out with my hair shining and bouncing. I felt like a stylie young mama instead of straggly middle-aged one.

I haven't had it this short since I was twenty-two, but I like it. What do you think? Not bad aye??


  1. oh yeah baby it is HOT!!!!
    and you know that I know what I am talking about ; )
    love love love it!

    love and light!

  2. Super, super cute!!! I love it. Makes me wanna get scissor happy.

  3. Totally cute! It makes you look totally refreshed!

  4. I know the hairdresser dread, I usually cut my own hair instead of heading for what they think looks good and completely is wrong for me. I have found somewhere that I do like to go though and as I too am due for a cut I should undercover blog it too.

    Love the cut, it's always a great feeling when you get one that not only looks great but is easy to manage too!

  5. My mum is a hair dresser (was) and so I've had my fair share of disasters (shhhh - don't tell her).

    Love your hair soooo much!!!

  6. Like, like, like! I look forward to the hairdresser, the trick is finding one you know will do a fab job.

  7. you are beautiful
    I am a big fan of shorter hair

  8. WOW Simone - HOT MAMMA indeedio!!
    Irina certainly knows vhat ccchhe ist doingk.

  9. Love it, it looks GREAT!

    Way to get brave and just go for it.
