As my thoughts turn towards Spring and the onset of warmer weather, I have begun to contemplate the sad neglected state of my garden. The rampaging weeds, the unpruned roses and uncut grass...
Weeds will grow without any effort on my part. Keeping weeds out is a full-time job.
{So it is with negative thoughts, fears and sucky attitudes. If I give them an inch they will take a mile.}

{Sometimes it's difficult to tell the difference between Truth and lies. Difficult. But not impossible}
It's the scent. A True Flower smells like Heaven.
The most beautiful and precious flowers require the most work. Hard pruning brings out their best and increases their blooms.
{Anything worth having must be worked at. What doesn't kill you can only make you stronger.}
The tenderest blooms are the most easily bruised and broken.
{I must protect what is most precious to me}
{I must protect what is most precious to me}
Every rose has its thorn.
This bitter fruit may make you wince, but it's the best thing for Winter's ills. When life hands you lemons, make Lemonade.
Noxious weeds are so hard to get rid of. The smallest root left unpulled will reap another poisonous harvest.
{Selfishness, gossip, jealousy, envy, hate... root them out wherever I find them}
{Selfishness, gossip, jealousy, envy, hate... root them out wherever I find them}
In winter nothing grows. Nothing buds. All looks dead and bare, barren.
{Sometimes my life looks like that}
But all that is needed is the first warming breeze, the smallest glimmer of spring and life bursts forth again.
Where there is life there is Hope. And every winter must come to an end.
{So it is in my life. Spring will come if I just hold on and don't give up}
Things that were dried and dead can be revived when the rain comes. My garden can bloom again.
{Sometimes I neglect the important; Mercy and Grace give me a second chance.}
If you look closely, even the ordinary can be beautiful.
The simplest things can be the sweetest.
Gardens are for playing in. Flowers are for picking. Life is for Living.
And beauty is everywhere if you take time to stop and look.
This actually brought tears to my eyes as I read it Simoney. Your analogy about gardens and life really spoke to me.
"Every winter must come to an end."
Thank you for the reminder. x
GORGEOUS post! Such beautiful photographs and sentiments. I LOVE this time of year so much. It's so exciting to see new life everywhere. I am planning on getting out in my garden tomorrow, first day of Spring, to capture it with a few photographs and can't wait to see the changes as the days get increasingly lighter and warmer. Happy Spring!
Hey you should nominate your blog for the the Best woman bloggers of the year. Check it out at
Coming to the end of our summer and spent some time cutting back rampaging growth, over-crowded beds through poor planting at the start of the season. Sometimes I can throw everything at a situation when all it needed was a little patience and faith, I really didn't need to do it in my strength at all. So now I'm contemplating my winter garden to be as my garden approaches the last hurrah of summer. The preparation I need to do, the things I must protect and the things I must let go and then... it's back to patience and faith through a long cold winter.
Loved this post Simone x
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Play or not, it's up to you x
What an absolutely BEAUTIFUL post! And such a great way to look at life! Thank you for brightening my day today ;)
Very nice thoughts and lovely photos. A great way to start my day.
nicely done friend!
I too loved your analogies. Some beautiful thoughts to start the new season with :-)
Wow, such a refreshing read. So beautifully written and photographed.
Just as Spring brings new beginnings and colour, may you find new beginnings and colour in your 'garden' also. X
I love your parallels! This is just what I needed to read right now. Funny though, as you're looking forward to spring I'm aching for fall!
Beautiful post...we need to remember these important life lessons we can learn from just looking a little. Loved it girl!
Lovely. I for one am so pleased this winter has come to an end. It's been a long journey through this one.
And I also am looking forward to getting back in my garden and replanting for summer.
Beautiful photos and such beautiful, wisdom filled observations! So, so true, Simoney! You are a very insightful woman. ;0)
Tweeting this sweet post for Tweet Me Tuesday! So glad you joined in again this week!
Beautiful post my dear. And your photography is awesome and inspiring.
So thankful that I logged on to Twitter and saw Melinda @ Parenting Confessions tweet this post! What a beautiful, inspiring post!
"Where there is life there is Hope. And every winter must come to an end." Yes and Amen!
What a wonderful post! I really enjoyed the photos and the lessons--it's wonderful how you can see these things and make a good lesson out of them!! Thanks for making me think...and appreciate my life.
Sorry I'm a bit late-had a sick kiddo home for 2 days now. I have a tweet scheduled to go out tomorrow though-thanks for understanding!
Great photos and wandering through your garden and thoughts. Lots of very good things to remember in that one. Thanks for sharing and thanks for joining in again this week. Lou.
So very profound and so very true!
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