I just spent half an hour writing the most awful load of whingeing negative tripe ever to hit the blogosphere. I can't post that! Really. It would just be wrong.
So here I sit staring at the blinking cursor, wanting to write, wanting to be positive, to look on the bright side. Now here I go cheering myself up, by looking at just some of the Good in my life.
The Good
Let's start with the basics.
I am alive. Yes I am.
I am breathing in and out, although with difficulty due to all the darn snot. Don't go there, Simoney! We are focusing on The Good!
So... breathing in and out... still alive...
What else??
Oh. Here we go, something not just good but Great!
I had a lovely time with the Editor of Parenting Magazine (NZ) the other week and so next issue, I'll be in it! Hannah (the editor) reads my blog and she said she erm, blog-stalks me. I said, that's OK, I love blog stalkers! {waves to Hannah; Hi Hannah!}
But even better than that (what could be better than being in the magazine??) I'm going to get to do some writing for them!!! So yes, that is great great great. Me = super stoked.
Other good things...
Miss Fab is loving gymnastics (after a rocky start).
I got a bunch of warm fuzzies watching my gorgeous kid do her thing on the balance beam yesterday. What a thrill to watch her and admire her loveliness
My lovely friend Sarah has Scrag for me while its on so it can just be mummy and daughter time.
Afterwards I said, "Shall we skip??" and we did, holding hands and giggling, all the way back to the car.
I managed to cook gluten free pasta successfully when I got home at 5.20pm; it was quick and it was yummy. It didn't turn into a gluggy mess (for once) and I even managed to hide grated courgette and carrot in the pasta sauce... which the kids gobbled up to shouts of "Yummy!"
What else??
Well I have a cold that seems to be turning into the flu and I'm feeling pretty wretched. But things could be worse: I could be married to This Guy...
Yeah, At least I'm not married to him.
At least my husband got up out of our warm bed last night into the cold dark house and searched for some Panadol for me when my head was pounding. At least he brought it in with water, and tucked the kids in and locked up the house so I could stay in my bed. At least this morning he gave me a nice cuddle and told the kids to help their mum cos she's sick and be good and he brought me some more Panadol before he headed out to work at 6.30am.
And at least the Scrag stayed in his bed last night.
And Miss Fab went to school without a meltdown this morning.
And there was no squabbling.
And Scrag didn't up-end his cornflakes onto the floor.
And I am still sitting here in my dressing gown and slippers, churning through tissues, but warm and cosy inside.
I have watched Special Agent Oso cuddled with Scrag on the couch (I made my escape before the Wiggles came on).
I've had two cups of coffee and some Oreos.
I may be achey and sniffing and tired and headachey but I don't have to go out in the cold.
My toddler may have given up his naptime and I may be struggling with the guilt of blogging while he is awake... but he is a happy little chappy and when he's had enough Wiggles he will come and push the Off button on my computer if he wants to. He knows how.
So I will focus on the positive. No one is dying. We have food to eat, a roof over our heads and clothes to wear. Nothing to complain about at all. I have a good life.
"And this too flu shall pass."
How are you staying on the Bright Side lately??

Bless you - that's for the sneezes!!
Poor you, hope you are feeling better soon. Yay for Scrag staying in bed all night, yay for Miss Fab NOT having a meltdown and yay for channel 45 or is it 16?? Either way, yay for it and kids that love tv!! Take care and let me know if you need anything xx
I hope you feel better soon. I'm having a hard time staying on the bright side these days, too, yet I should be thankful... My older kids are coming home this weekend & I'm gonna have a baby soon. :-)
awwww *hugs* I hope you feel better soon!! (and Yay for Parenting Magazine, and your kids being good to you!! :) )
How awesome that you will be in the magazine!
It's hard to remind myself to focus on the positive sometimes.
As I sit reading your post with a running snotty nose and pounding head you have reminded me to be thankful! Thanks.
So excited about the magazine opportunity - yay!!!
Counting your blessings is DEFINITELY the right option - and it helps, doesn't it. Some wise person (Who was it again? - oh, the guy who created the Universe) once said .... "Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse... Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies." Oh, and there's this bit just before it ... "Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life."
When you need just a little bit of help, reach out and hold on to the hand that holds the world. He'll definitely help to chase the blues away, the rainbow to appear and the sun to shine again. Mmmmmmmmmmm, love Him so much!
:O( so I guess you won't be coming walking with me then?! Poor you. I know that in the the midst of an extended bout of colds and flu life feels ridiculously hard and miserable. From someone who was there only a few weeks ago I just wanted to say HI and get better and good for you focussing on the positive Simoney. We all love you.
Great Post simone. My first post today was a real downer one so I quickly did another one :)
Hope you feel better soon and thank you for passing on my details to Hannah, I cant wait to see the magazine article. Even though I didn't get to meet her in person it was fun doing the interview via email.
Take care and be sure to check your mail box this week *grin*
Feel better Simoney, I am sympathising with my raging earache. My doctor's appointment this afternoon cannot come soon enough :(
Trees x
Fantastic photos, loving the brightside too. Some good stuff happening. The magazine is so blessed to have you. xxx
First, congratulations on participating on Parenting Magazine! I know how important it is to have a chance to show our brains still work, even when we feel isolated at home or overwhelmed with the kids.
Sometimes it's hard to find the bright side of life when we are struggling on a subject. I feel terrible for being out of a job for so long, but I try to keep my head up and looking for alternatives.
But still hard sometimes!
Sorry to hear you are still feeling crappy! But good that your hubby's looking after you :)
GREAT news about the Parenting mag! AWESOME in fact!! Can't wait to see the article - will you post it or will I have to stalk you?... X
I am so happy for you about the mag gig....so so good mamma!
sorry the other parts have been a little cloudy but I LOVE your attitude to look at the bright side....for there ALWAYS is one!
Sounds like life is good, after all. I have had allergies since February- stuffy and/or runny nose, sneezing, snot snot snot... but at least I don't have a stomach virus (the bright side right?).
Jesus loves me!
It sounds like you've had a rough week too, so it's awesome you're accentuating the positive, Sinatra-styles.
I wonder if my post from Friday (/cough cough YOU SHOULD CHECK IT) will be a *small* perk...?
sending you some bloggy love. good on ya for keeping up the positiveness XO
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