05 May 2010

And the Winners Are...

The Header Design Giveaway is closed, and here are your results. Drum roll...

Er, yes it's a highly technological randomised picking system. Names written on Post-Its (hey it was good enough for Meredith & Derek!)... Post-Its folded and put in a cup. Er, yes,that's my Painting cup. I don't drink out of it. It's clean but stained...

OK, back to the matter at hand.... Shake shake shake...

Pick a winner... taaa-daaa....

  1. The Winner of the Draw is... Jacqui ! Congratulations Jacqui, you'll be getting a new header for your blog. Email me and we'll start talking about what you'd like, OK? greatfun4kids@live.com 
  2. My Pick for the second winner based on your comments....????? Help! I couldn't decide!

Oh come on - you know how indecisive I am. Don't you remember the Birthday Cake Competition? How I had to get readers to vote for their favourite cake cos I couldn't choose? Well it shouldn't surprise any of you who know me even a little, that once again, I'm stuck.

I thought to myself... right, go through and check who has got the blog that most needs a header. And there were a few of those - some didn't have any kind of header at all.

But how to pick between them? And are the others with unsatisfactory Headers any less deserving? There were some lovely comments, some desperation, pleas and begging. Some were even willing to pay for a new header if they didn't win. Sigh.

My quest to beautify Blogland and help my fellow bloggers (while gaining new followers) was giving me a headache.

So I thought, enough of this. I want to go and put my feet up and watch Greys Anatomy. So I decided to let my fingers do the picking. I picked another name out of the cup...

...and whaddya know... it's GAIL! I laughed I can tellya.

Gail said if she won she'd donate her prize to someone else (cos she already likes her header and no wonder, it's very cool). Now I have to ask:

Gail: Who's it gonna be??

We are on the edges of our computer chairs waiting to find out!!!

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Natasha in Oz said...

Congrats to the winners!

Happy Wednesday and best wishes,

Gail said...

Hahahahahaha. COOLNESS. I'll go and have a look now and see :)

Gail said...

OK, because I don't know ANYONE in the comments (aside from Widge, Weza and Sophie)..... I'm gonna have to choose...... (I already said I wouldn't choose Widge because she is a give-away hog (on my blog)... and then WEZA went and won Widge's give-away..... SO it's SOPHIE... and that works well, cause I'm loving the new travel blog.

Sorry Widge.
Sorry Weza (had you not won Widge's it would have been a tricky choice for me)

Love you all!

Widge said...

actually weza has won all the same give aways as me!! except for the CD, but she's made up for that by wining my book sooooooo i think the boycott can be officially lifted from me now...it makes me sad :(
Go Sophie!! Congratulations. and Jacqui!! whoop!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Jacqui & Sophie!

Simoney said...

Good picking Gail... Sophie's Travel Blog header will be a fun one to do. THANKS!

Weza said...

Im happy to give to boycott back. I had no idea I had won so much... Really???
Happy for Sophie and Jacqui. Cant wait ot see what Simone dreams up. Now Simone looks like I will be purchasing one off you at some stage. :)

Gail said...

OK, no more give-away hold-offs for you Widgey & Weza. I will have to have another giveaway soon. Just because.

Libby said...

Very O'Henry results! But how sweet of Gail!

(Gail...psst...over here...you're awesome...no really...*slips $20 bucks into palm*)

Anonymous said...

yay my first win!! YAY

Anonymous said...

hi i was wondering if i was still going to get this? just wondering

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