05 April 2010

Comment Me This...

Okay... I have stepped out of the boat onto the scary water of a new commenting system for my blog. It's powered by Disqus and gives me better options for communicating and replying to commenters - in fact, we can hold discussions and reply to each other now as well. No, we can't. The drop in comments was immediate and obvious. I've deleted the new comment system and returned to good ole Blogger comments :(

One of my blog friends, Jenny, mentioned that the thing she doesn't like about the Disqus comment system is that they want you to sign in to them i.e. create yet another account. It seems a lot of you agreed with Jenny. And stopped commenting. Awwww.

I investigated this (after Jenny mentioned this to me) and Blogger commenters can sign in using the Open ID option. Just enter your blog address and your display name (same for Wordpress and TypePad bloggers as well). Nope, this never worked. It was too complicated. It didn't recognise us. The instructions were flawed. Boo OpenID.

So now that we've cleared that up... hopefully I won't see a drop in comments, but rather the opposite! A HUGE drop in comments. It was too complicated :( I liked it but my friends really didn't.

If my new comment system puts you off and you find it a pain, PLEASE let me know... I'm trying to make things better (and easier for all commenters), not take a step backwards! You let me know alright. You stopped commenting! I heard ya, loud and clear!

Let me know how it works for you.
I'm looking forward to getting your comments (on my flash new comment system). Cheers! Ahh never mind. We've deleted it now. It's all for the best - a failed experiment, but hopefully no harm done??

Footnote: I never was able to upload my old comments into Disqus. I made two enquiries but never heard back. Boo.
P.S. If you were one of the few who actually liked the Disqus commenting system, it's pretty easy to add to your blog, (and it's free of course). I found out about it here. Good luck!

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Gail said...

I am a lazy blogger..... so will let you know if I find this more work or not! haha.

donnasimone said...

Coolness my friend! Hey did you try signing in using OpenID? It doesn't seem to recognise me. Could you give it a go and see what you think?

Best Light Communications said...

Testing! Testing! 123! Seems all good to me Simone. Anna x

meg said...

Hi! It's pretty but seems a bit more complicated... perhaps it's just the fact that it's new. x

donnasimone said...

Hey Meg, did you try out the Open ID thing instead of posting as a guest? I tried to but it wouldn't recognise my display name. Just wondering if you would have the sae problem?

donnasimone said...

Thanks Bananna!!

Gail said...

Hey I did, but it hasn't remembered me so had to type in deets again!

Morgan said...

I've noticed other bloggers starting to use Disqus too. It's not my favorite way to leave comments, that's for sure, but it's not much different than leaving a comment on a blog that requires word verification.

PaisleyJade said...

Good on you for trying something new... if it works I might just copy you!! Tried to comment before but the comment bit was missing.

Lisa said...

For some reason I cannot comment using the open ID... it wont recognise my user ID. Treis like 5 times. :(
Good on you for trying out something new. I will watch and see how it works out.

Trees said...

Tried open id but I am apparently not a member of my own blog.
Story of my life.

donnasimone said...

I know! Thanks for trying, at least I know it's not just me. I will try to find out why it's not working, because it would be much easier if it worked, aye?

donnasimone said...

Hey I've figured it out (I think); Blogger has JUST enable OpenID; here's the link; follow the instructions and you should be good to go with OpenID from now on.


donnasimone said...

Yes, I originally tried a different system called "IntenseDebate" but I couldn't get the comments to show up AT ALL. So I deletd that one and then thought, I'll have one final go and googled "replying to comments on blogger"; I found an article by a guy recommending this one (Disqus) and I have to say it was pretty easy to install and seems to be working fine. Just getting my head around the OpenID thing. I'm hoping that my blogger commenters won't be put off and can make the OpenID thing work for them. Blogger have just added OpenID in their Draftblogger, so then you just sign in using your url and display name, but you have to have enabled it on "Blogger in Draft" under "Edit profile". Sounds complicated but once its done, it's simple from there on. :)

Sophie said...

Followed the links Simoney but couldn't see the openid thingummy that blogger was on about. It didnt' appear in the edit my profile link they provided... wierd!

Sophie said...

hee hee. I also am a guest!

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