Loving to Paint
Here's a painting I did last week... I finally made the time to put my fabulous easel to use and I am loving painting again. I put on a random selection of my favourite calm-inducing songs while I painted, and soaked myself in creativity and inspiration to my heart's content. I even felt some God-whispers.
It's a very simple piece - just sea and sky (two of my favourite limitless things).
If you can't have a sea view out the window, paint one for the wall, I say! It took me about an hour and a half which is not bad for the size of it (which is pretty darn big). I was originally planning to put a dark and twisty pohutukawa tree in it, but somehow the simple Sea and Sky just looked right.
And I'm loving having it dominate my dining room wall.
Loving Autumn
March is the beginning of Autumn here in New Zealand. I'm loving the beginning of crispy weather; Loving the need for long sleeves and layers (yesterday I got to wear my favourite jacket and boots - love it!) I'm also loving the absence of sweat-inducing energy-sapping sticky humidity. Loving the brisk mornings and earlier sunsets. Autumn is my favourite season. I love Autumn.
Loving Writing
My dream of becoming a real live writer is coming closer to reality. I have been accepted as a regular contributor at a new webzine: Delve. So far they have published one of my articles (my journey with depression). What a lovely surprise when I opened my inbox this morning and there was an email from Dr Grant Mullen - the author of the book that really helped me on my journey!! He read my article (!!) and was writing to thank me for it!!! I was totally gobsmacked.
And the book that I'm hoping to write?? I'll be joining forces with Rebecca - we're going to co-write a book together! Rebecca's original blog has been so much of my inspiration (as a parent and a blogger).

I am loving that I get to write this book with one of my oldest most inspirational friends! (This tanned photo is of me and Becs in Fiji, circa 1993!)
Loving Little Buddies
I'm loving seeing my little guy making friends. Here he is with his little buddy Ben, who is just one day younger than him. Ben's mum has just had a new baby so I volunteered to have Ben to play this morning.
They had a blast! playing cars and trains, pushing toy prams (filled with cars and trains) and bouncing on the trampoline... Scrag just loves having other children to play. He's such a socialite.
I love watching him interact with other kids. He's so laid back; if another kid pushes him out of the way or snatches something, he just looks at them like, "What's your problem??" and then walks away. Amazing. I've never seen anything like it (my other two would have started World War III!).
There was no pushing or snatching with Ben though. They played together so nicely. Which is great because next month they will be starting pre-school together. Loving the thought of that too - so nice for him to have a ready-made friend there; and loving the thought of some more painting time.
Not loving that I accidentally deleted my best photos of them jumping :(
NOT Loving Heart Attacks
Unbelievably my 41-year-old fit & healthy brother-in-law Craig had a heart attack on Friday. It's a huge shock and a major upheaval for them. We won't know til later this week what the damage is and what treatment is required.
Thankfully my mum and dad already had a week off work planned for this week, so have been able to come straight up to Auckland and be here to support my sister. (Loving the way that worked out. Someone Up There is watching out for us I think).
If you are the praying type, we would really appreciate your prayers, both for Craig's full recovery and also for his business (which is a major source of worry for him at this time). Thanks friends.
What are you loving/not loving at the moment?
Congratulations on your first article!! Well done! It was a great read! I really got a lot out of it!
Looking forward to hearing more about the new book your are writing :)
Loving our planned catch up this arvo :)
Will pray for your bro-in-law. What a shocker.
Awesome painting Simoney - creativity just oozes!
Also loving Rory's Ode to his mum. Just lovely!
i will be praying for craig. that's way
too young!
what a talented young woman you are!
painter, writer! incredible.
my most talented, creative child suffers
with depression. i think it's because
she is made so sensitive to create, but
sometimes gets overwhelmed by all
her feelings.
i will read your article, because i'm
sure it will help my sunday girl.
So excited about seeing your dream moving from a dream into reality!
Your painting is amazing - and will be praying for your bro in law!!!
love this post of your loves!
have been praying for your bro in law too since i saw it on fb yesterday.
your painting is wicked!
so happy you are starting your dream of writing that book! can't wait to read it.
Loving that painting!!
the painting is awesome Simoney!!!!
and look perfect in your dinning room
lots of exciting things happening for you..that is so great...the tides have turned!
prayers for you brother of course!
love and light
I'm loving your painting very muchly!!!!
And I'm loving that you and Becca are going to write a book together. That's awesome!!! 2 great women putting their thoughts together...... I can't wait for it to be published one day!
Yayyy I'm so happy to get to do it with you...your writing is brilliant!!
Love the painting and article too- so talented!
My thoughts are with your family..scary isn't it..one minute everything is fine, and then the next minute your whole world can turn upside down. So glad your sister has the support of your parents...we're never too old to need our parents.
Beautiful painting, it's so great that you are able to indulge in it and enjoy it! (the process and the product!!)
I so enjoyed your post and wish you all the very best in following your creative passions.
Autumn is also one of my fav months, but I have to go to special places in Welly to find a nice collection of deciduous trees to really enjoy the changing colours.
Best wishes to your bro-in-law for a full and speedy recovery.
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