It's no secret that I am pathalogically lazy. It's true. Anyone who knows me will confirm the fact. But for a whole host of reasons it's really time for me to get up off my Wide Load and get moving.
I have joined Gail's Walk for Haiti, a 16km Trek along the Auckland Isthmus. It's coming up on March 20th so I need to get fit, baby!
Then there's the constant squawks of "Mum I'm bored!" and "Where are we going today??" that echo through the house every blingin' day of the school holidays.
So today I took action.
"Let's go kids, we're going on an adventure!"
Kids on bikes, me pushing Scrag in his Geezermobile, fast-walking to keep up.
Around the neighbourhood, let's see who's at home??
We tried to visit Meg...
And Sarah...
And Karen...
Everybody's out!
Never mind, off to our favourite Cafe.
We spotted a school mum with her kids all on scooters. They must have had the same idea...
At the cafe we bumped into a coffee group mum who joined us for a drink and a chat (she thought my kids were very polite. We left before the illusion was shattered.)

...we took the long way home, because I like the view (and I really really need the exercise)...
...the kids begged me for a lollipop at the Dairy... and I caved...
We made it home, hot and sweaty. I have blisters between my toes from the Jandals (aka flipflops aka thongs) - a silly choice of footwear.
My training programme has begun... anyone want to join me?
Go Simone!
And yeah, jandals???!!! Crazy girl.
Oooh well done! I'm putting off getting fit until I've had the baby but wishing I had done it before as several flights of stairs puffs me out!!
Good on you girlfriend! Now go get yourself some good trainers... :)
yes...trainers...your oor feet!!!
What a great day!! I loved that!
I need to get up offa my thang too!! Sounds like a fun outing but no matter how comfy that jandals are they don't do distance!! Yay for you doing Gail's walk x
why didn't you knock on MY door????????????????
I would have LOVED to join you!
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