I am remarkably chilled out this year. Remarkably. I seem to be just rolling along from week to week. I am loving that about this Christmas.
I am also soooooo looking forward to doing Christmas with my mum and dad at our house this year for the first time ever. I am loving that they are coming to have Christmas with us. I am also loving the idea of totally spoiling them and giving them a Christmas where they can just totally relax and enjoy. I'm looking forward to finding some Stockings for them and stuffing them with unexpected goodies.
I am loving that my kids are not pestering me with lists of "I Wants" from the Christmas mailers (Ha! Cause they are all in the recycle bin!)
I love that when I asked them this morning what they want for Christmas...
She asked for a new toy cash register (with some play money in it please mummy) cause our old one is broken.
And he asked for a Dinosaur poster.
That's it.
I am loving this awesome parking garage I found on TradeMe for Scrag. A grandad made it for his grandkids who have all grown up now, so he sold it (dead cheap). And it's so solid... and huge!About a metre square! Scrag is going to love it for his cars; and boy it will last.
I am loving how it turned out now that I painted it...

Then I painted black over the top - some old fence paint we had stashed away. A very cool pressie for my little man for $30!
I am loving this lot stashed away already wrapped in the hall cupboard. I am patting myself on the back bigtime. And looking forward to a relaxed Christmas Eve with my folks - no present wrapping at all!!!

I am loving having my sunroom back. Mr G has finally got his outside office set up with internet and phone connections. I am loving that as of today my bedroom is no longer his office foyer and my sunroom is no longer his workspace. I am lovng that now I can set up a space for painting; maybe an easel? (Maybe for Christmas?? Hint Hint, Mr G!) This also means... more blogging time! I am loving that!!
The only thing I am NOT loving are my wonky bathroom scales. I don't think I have lost 6kg after all :(
I think my bogus scales and wobbly uneven floor have combined to give me a false read-out. I know I have lost weight... I can feel it, even if you might not be able to tell yet. I just don't know exactly how much I've lost... guessing around 3-4kg? Still pretty great though. I am loving that I am eating sooo much healthier. And that I have had a packet of iced sticky buns (my nemesis) sitting in my cupboard since Mr G brought them home on Sunday... and I haven't even been tempted to take a bite. Yes, I am loving my new-found self-control. And the fact that housework is counted as exercise. My floors and bathroom have never been so shiny clean!
What are you loving/NOT loving lately??
wow! that is an amazing present for your boy! the paint job is awesome! i want one! parking spaces even!
That parking garage is amazing! Better than anything you could possibly buy in the shops. Loving your blog. Meredith xo.
Awesome job on the garage! I brought one of those once for my oldest about 8 years ago and never got around to painting it so it sat in the cupboard forever. now he's 10 and probably a bit past it aye. whoops ;)
I'm loving that we got our tree up today.
I'm loving that my wonderful neighbour friend came over this afternoon and helped my kids clean their bedrooms!!
Not loving that my kids blew up my vacuum cleaner in the process ;(
The parking garage looks so fab! We had one of those for a while that my boys loved!
You are so organised - well done! I need to get myself organised too... if I can find a free night!!
WOW things are looking so good around your home and you are sounding so peace filled!!!
Like everyone else I am blown away by the car park....so cool
(Widge I think you should still pull it out and paint it for this Christmas...Master 8 might like it.....)
Love the sunroom too...beautiful lighting
I have a feeling you are in for a magical Christmas...blessings, love and light!
What am I loving? You! Your post inspires and blesses. Big hugs xx
Hey hon
I am kind of glad that you haven't lost 6 kgs. That is too drastic in that time! Slow and steady is better for long term weight loss. I didn't want to rain on your parade by saying that as you are doing AMAZINGLY! and you are inspiring me to be healthier ! Well done!
L x
I'm so pleased you submitted this post to the Recycled Christmas Carnival. The garage is really fantastic. I've now published the post at http://therubbishdiet.blogspot.com/2009/12/recycled-christmas-carnival.html so do pop over if you get a chance. Thanks again for joining in. Your blog is great :-)
I'm loving your post; it is so full of joy and light heartedness - thank you for elevating my mood this morning!
I found you through the recycled carnival ;)
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