
10 November 2009

I Finally Signed Up...

Me and Exercise are sadly not on speaking terms. We should be, but somehow we just never made it past the introductions. If Exercise were nicer to me, I wouldn't give it the cold shoulder.

But sometimes Exercise is mean. It makes me all sweaty and breathless, and turns my face red. That's not Nice. I wish Exercise wouldn't do that.

There have been times in my life (a long long time ago) when me and Exercise were at least acquaintances... back in the days when I was dating Mr G, I thought Exercise was a good idea. Me and my hunny would even go Exercise together. But it didn't last. I got married, I looked great, I quit the Gym.

Other people seem to be able to get on OK with Exercise; I have friends who rave about it... Crazy. These are otherwise normal people.

But my big butt likes comfort. I guess that's why it's gotten so cushiony lately; I've been sitting on it way too much.

Mr G has just rejoined the gym. He is about to become buff and toned and trim. Oh man.

Now I have to do something... turning 40 in 10 days with a cushiony butt and squishy tummy and a buff-toned-trim hubby??

I'll be Mrs Bigbutt and he'll be Mr Fabulous.

Did I tell you what my son said to me the other week? He was puzzling over my photoshopped Party Picture (our heads on Abba's skinny bodies).

"Mum, this picture is a bit strange... Dad looks skinny... and he's not. And you look skinny too, and you're not either!"

Oh man. I'm just gonna have to get moving.

So I did it. I signed up for the Walking School Bus. One morning a week. Woohoo.

Hey, don't mock me! It's a start, right???


  1. Hahaha you're so funny! Go the walking bus!!

  2. well done you!! :) Exercise and me aren't really on speaking terms either. My excuse is pregnancy! That won't last long though.

  3. Oh we are so on the same page. I attempted squats yesterday and have been wallowing in self pity pain all day today. I only did about 6 and my thighs are on fire. I think I may have done some serious damage....

  4. It's a start!! Exercise and I are on a break! We'll get back together maybe over the weekend...

  5. Every trip starts with just one step. Great start!

  6. Good for you! Every little bit helps. I have been gearing up for the big face-off with Exercise for a while now... I'll be 40 in a year. Maybe it will happen before then!

  7. haha... it's an important job! I hear standing in cold weather actually helps burn double the calories.

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