Ahem. Slight problem. I sent the camera... with Mr G! So I can't upload all my lovely photos for the great story I planned to tell. So it will have to wait. Plan B... upload Grandma's photos from her camera (she's taken loads of great ones) and share those with you guys...?
Ahem. For some strange reason we can't figure out how to upload the jolly things. There's a glitch; the photos have gone missing somewhere. We'll have to try again later.
OK... Plan C?? Well, while trawling through grandma's computer trying to find her photos I came across these gems from the archives, some of which I have never seen before. This is Team G in the pre-Scrag days, when our Princess was just wee. Ohhh, the bairn! (Man I have really been here for too long! Aunty Irene says I'm starting to talk Geordie.)
So have a laugh at us from 2005...

So, tomorrow morning the Clan is off to Scotland for three nights. I may get a chance to blog there. Maybe??? Not sure. Then it's back here to Newcastle for two more nights, then (arggghhh!) it's thye end of the road and back home to NZ. I can't believe how fast it's gone and yet at the same time I honestly feel like we've been away 6 weeks. At least. Maybe 8?
New Zealand seems so far away, it's legendary in my mind, full of lovely people and sheep, sunshine, green fields. A bit like Middle Earth. A long way from here: the land of the round football, buckets in sinks, brick row houses and narrow streets. The land of Tesco and ASDA and Greggs. Where the range of food you can buy is spectular but McD's costs £6.99 for a meal deal (NZ$15)
Anyway, until I get the chance to blog again, a big thanks *hug* to all my lovely friends who have stayed in touch, commented or emailed. You've helped me avoid feeling homesick.
Ohhh Man... and I can't believe it but ALL of Mr G's family reads my blog!!! *waves to family* I had no idea! Everyone I meet says, "Eeeeh Simone Pet! We love that blog! Eeeeh! It's greeeet!"
Hence the disclaimers on my last post!! (yes the one about the undies and bras)... Uncle Alan you weren't meant to read it!!! I had warning signs and everything! *blush*
Ahhh well, never mind! Luv ya all!
Click for the next part of our Journey: Out in the Toon
It does feel like you've been away for ages! Hopefully we'll understand you when you get back : )Love the old photos...and glad you're having a great time x
Totally loving all the older snapshots - your kids are so cute - and you guys are awesome too!!
When I saw the first pic I was thinking how much scrag looks like A! But then read on to realize! You guys haven't changed a bit :)
Have you been shopping again yet????????????????????????
Enjoy this last week Simone, it's been great following all your adventures x
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