"Where's Simone?"
"Somewhere with her nose stuck in a book..."
I was constantly being told off for my antisocial behaviour. I'd walk into people's houses and head straight for their bookshelf.
I think I have improved somewhat on the antisocial side of things but I have never gotten over my affinity with books.
And I have to admit... I still like to check out my friends' bookshelves!
The other day I left my friend Meg's house with a pile of books to borrow... and my nose hasn't been out of the one she recommended ever since.
You know it's a good book when you find yourself thinking about it while driving the car/folding the washing/changing pooey nappies...
It's a really good book when you ignore the TV programs you've recorded in favour of reading the book.

It's a doozie when you find yourself still propping your eyelids open and telling yourself, "Just one more chapter..." at 1.00am on a school night.
You are onto a winner when you're happy to get up at 5.20am with your wide-awake baby if it means 40 extra minutes reading the book.
Thanks Meg: I am really enjoying your book! What is this great literary find, you may ask?
It's called The Invisible Road by Elizabeth Knox, a New Zealand author. It's original, well written, great plot, good characters - plus it's nice and thick! Good for three days of fast reading (crammed in between packing and cleaning!)
There's nothing I like better than a quiet night on the couch with a good book *sigh*
Yep, still a nerd bookworm at heart. I'll take a good book over TV anyday...
P.S. Read any good books lately??
I love a good fiction book - but because of my need to read and not do ANYTHING else when I'm reading, I don't read too often! Non-fiction is much easier for me to pick up and put down.... but a book where I get too involved is not good for family :)
In saying that, holidays are coming up, so I'll be at the library then.
Oooo - I ama book worm too! My parents owned a toy shop for 7 years and I lived across the road from it at the local library! I have had a few nights recently reading late into the night too! I am looooooving Anne Rice's two Christ the Lord books (as reviewed on www.flannelgraph.org). Your book looks great!
I love reading. Mostly non-fiction reading right now, but I love fiction as well.
My son always has his nose in a book. It's funny when you have to tell a child to stop reading so they can eat, or actually play outside.
Reading "Broken Open" by Elizabeth Lesser...it is exactly as it sounds...enjoying it thoroughly...
At the moment I'm reading an autobiography of Ann Patchett's friendship with another author Lucy Grealy it's called Truth and Beauty - a friendship
At the moment I'm reading an autobiography of Ann Patchett's friendship with another author Lucy Grealy it's called Truth and Beauty - a friendship
Glad you like it Simoney :o) I was surprised that I enjoyed it so much myself. Have a fantastic trip.
Sounds fab! I'm reading Gerald Durrell - the Corfu Trilogy - not gripping but a lovely and gentle read with little humourous bits.
Ooh and have you read Francine Rivers's Mark of the Lion Series - specially the first two books.
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