
26 August 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Ola & Adios!

Saturday adventure down at the wharf. A gorgeous day to be out on the harbour with our lovely cousins from Spain...

...eating gelato...

Self-portrait with Little Brother...

Matching Father'n'Son Goatees...

Self Portrait with Mr G (I love how my self-portraits are turning out!)

The Ferry-boat to Devonport

...Try to convince me it's still winter. I won't believe you. x

The cousins have left now to go and visit Nan and Grandad. The house is quieter, tidier, emptier. But we miss them and are so glad we got to spend a lovely weekend with our lovely family from Spain. Adios!


  1. Hi Simoney!1 was just thinking that we haven't heard from you in awhile :)
    I love the pic of father and son's matching goatees lol!

  2. Those are such great photos... and not too many crazy faces either!

  3. I always enjoy your blog...Loven' the self portraits. Those are fun. Looks like summer is coming for you as we are going into fall...we a kinda experiencing the same sort of change...just opposite...Does that make sense???
    Confused Canadian
