With 8 little white gnashers and 4 ouchy molars on the way, Scrag is loving joining in the "cleaning teeth" ritual with the big kids...

Ahem... loving it
so much, in fact, that when nobody is looking he sneaks back in to the bathroom and proceeds to chew through the tube of Wiggles toothpaste. Nice clean teeth though.
Cute! My youngest used to do the same thing... I invested in screw top toothpaste for a few months after that!
He's getting so big Simoney!
Go the wiggles toothpaste! its a hit at our house too!
I love your blog, Simone ... thanks for visiting mine, too! ;0) I am now a follower.
Can I just say I am in love with your little toothpaste chomper? He is TOO cute! ;0)
Regarding your last post, about kidlets not getting along... that is a constant battle in our house! One thing that has helped is that often (unless someone is doing bodily harm) I let them work it out. If they can't do it on their own, they both receive the same punishment ... going to their rooms usually. That helped alot. And once they got out of their cycle of meanness, it gradually improved. Although we still struggle some days, especially when they've had a little too much togetherness!
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