Treasure Chest: 6
Pirate Ship: 5
Pirate Ship: 5
Dinosaur: 5
Tractor: 1
So the winner, by ONE vote is the Treasure Chest Cake.
Now, just to keep it interesting, the winner (Linda) is married to an uber-designer who does all their kids' birthday party invitations... so Li
nda is donating her prize to the next runner-up... which happens to be BOTH the Pirate Ship and the Dinosaur. Thanks Linda!
So congratulations to Elizabeth (Pirate Ship) and Amanda (Dinosaur). Your cakes are amazing.
I will contact you to arrange your prize! Personalised party invitations for your next kids' birthday party. You have the option of an electronic version (Amanda is EcoMum) or printed. You can add a photo is you wish, you can choose from my available designs or request a specially designed one for your party's theme. (Click here for my kids party invites webshop)
Well done, great effort, enjoy your prize... you deserve it!
And a big THANKS to everyone who voted!
Yay - great cakes!
I really like the treasure chest one - tell me Simone, what is the cake sitting on? Sugar (as sand?)
Hi Simone :) I found you via the MBC 100 ... I love your blog! Sorry about your daughters hair, I would have been crying (apparently not the first time either) ...
I am following and will be back to read :) have a great Monday!
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