
Meeting her off the plane from England is always exciting. Since Dash was about three he has always made sure we got flowers to greet her with (his idea, and he always reminds us).
As soon as we spot her the kids race over and fling themselves on her. There's hugs'n'kisses all round and lots of excited chatter: "Eeeeh! Haven't you gotten big??... "Grandma! Grandma! I can click!" "Grandma! Grandma! I can spell..."

And of course there's the surprises; Grandma usually brings one small bag of clothes for her and a big suitcase full of clothes & goodies for
the troops
As soon as we spot her the kids race over and fling themselves on her. There's hugs'n'kisses all round and lots of excited chatter: "Eeeeh! Haven't you gotten big??... "Grandma! Grandma! I can click!" "Grandma! Grandma! I can spell..."

And of course there's the surprises; Grandma usually brings one small bag of clothes for her and a big suitcase full of clothes & goodies for

...literally it's like Christmas all over again.
It's great having Grandma around, that extra set of hands! It's like the fairies have come... folded washing magically appears on the end of beds; dishes magically do themselves; smelly nappies are magicked away...
Plus she is great company, and a pretty jolly good mother-in-law! She is fun and lively and is just what Grandmas should be: totally besotted with their grandchildren!
We snap pictures like Japanese Tourists, recording everything. The kids get used to smiling for the camera, even doing everyday things.
This visit she got to be here while the Scrag was learning to walk. So special. She just loves that baby; he is going to miss her so much. They are the best of buddies.

This time, the trip to the airport is not so exciting. We sit quietly in the car, thinking: "Just can't believe we are already back here!" There are m
ore hugs, more photos, kisses and hongi's (Maori kisses, rubbing noses).
We all wave goodbye at the departure gate, blowing kisses until we can't see Grandma anymore, comforted by the fact that the next time we come back to the airport it will be us going on a plane to visit Grandma in England!

We all wave goodbye at the departure gate, blowing kisses until we can't see Grandma anymore, comforted by the fact that the next time we come back to the airport it will be us going on a plane to visit Grandma in England!

Bye Bye Grandma, we love you! We'll miss you!
1 comment:
Dear Simone
What a lovely message you wrote about me on your blog, I was really flattered.
I loved my time with you all and now realise its not easy looking after 3 kids a husband and a home,not mentioning birthday parties!!
To say I was exhausted is an understatement, but I loved every minute of it.
What I want to know is how all you mothers look so glam, and tidy!!
When I was looking after the kids I didnt have time to comb my hair!!
never mind the make up and my clothers were always splatterd with
something or other.
I am missing you all already especially Scrag !! what a joy he is, he is so loveable.
It is so quiet here on my own.
I cant wait for you all to come to the Uk.
So keep up the good work Simone,you may be able to get a rest in 10 years time.
Love Winniexxxxxxxxxxxx
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