We recently spent a fantastic weekend at Lake Taupo with friends who have moved there recently; their home a mere two-minute walk from the lakefront. The weather was spectacular, the company was superb - but for me the best part was that I finally broke out of my lazy-ass comfort zone.
Usually I am the film-maker and photographer of our family adventures. I record things, standing on the sidelines, cheering the crazier members of my family on. I am the introvert bookworm who makes any excuse to avoid discomfort, masking it all with, "That's OK, I don't mind staying with the baby..."
But not this weekend.
There was boating, biking, swimming and being dragged around on a sea-biscuit. My adventurous friend Nic wouldn't take no for an answer. She is the type of friend a lazy person like myself

really needs, to give me a good shove every now and then!
First of all she got me
on the boat with the baby instead of sitting on the sidelines as usual. Bliss! It was fabulous. The lake was calm, the day

was perfect, the kids' eyes were shining. Nic's hubby Phil even let us help "drive the boat". And to think I could have been hibernating back at the house with a book under the pretext of looking after the baby??!!
Then things cranked up a notch - time for the sea biscuit (an inflatable donut that gets pulled behind the boat at high speed). My husband was most surprised when I said I'd have a go. Nic and I, Mis Fab and her little friend Fia went together. Adrenaline junkie Nic had the first go, showing us how it was done. Then my brave adventurer daughter hopped onto Nic's knee and sped off for her turn. An adventurer thourhg and through, she loved it.
My turn! I squeezed myself into a wetsuit
(yes I did - miracles do happen) got in the donut and held on for dear life. Mindful that my daughter was watching I kept smiling even when it hurt and the water sprayed in my face. So proud of m

When we got back, Nic dived over the side and swam to shore - and on a whim I followed her! (Mr G couldn't believe his eyes) It was lovely. Why haven't I done this more often?? OK, the whole wearing a swimsuit in public issue, after having three babies... but really, who cares??
Then Nic mentioned going biking along the lakeshore. Er, this backside on a bike??? I have a major Big Butt Phobia. Nic just said, "Well that does it, Simone! You and me are going for a ride this evening!"

I laughed her off,
no way. I'd find a way to get out of it, surely!!?? I haven't been on a bike in
years. My poor husband has been trying to get me biking forever; he even bought me a bike, which sits neglected and unused in our garage.
Again, my friend wouldn't take no for an answer. Trying to wriggle out of it, I pleaded putting kids to bed... Nothing doing. The guys can manage, she insisted.
At the last minute our sons decided to come with us. When Nic told Dash it was just the mummies and the boys, my son apparently shouted, "Yay!!!" He couldn't believe he was going riding with his mum.
With much trepidation I started pedalling... and found to my surprise that I remembered how to do it (funny that).
Nic called out, "Simone your ass looks
great from here!" Hahaha, whatever, Nic! Kind of you to say so though!
Dash was grinning and racing ahead, showing off his skills. The sun was starting to set and it looked as if the whole sky was on fire.
Words can't really express the feeling of joy, delight, exhilaration to be biking along that gorgeous lake front at sunset
with my son. Magic.

So of course the next day, when it was a trip to the thermal pools, did I pike out and sit on the side?? No way. Togs on, in the water, playing with my kids. Something my own mum never did. I don't remember
ever seeing her swimming. Ever. She was the observer, the serious one, the person who got things done. My dad was the fun guy. Somehow I had slipped into that pattern.
But no more. I began to recognise the bad habits I'd gotten into the other week when I was unwell and having those
mortal thoughts. What would the kids remember about me if I was gone?
I am determined to keep stepping out of my comfort zone; to be more active, have more adventures, stop being just the observer, recorder and sideline cheer-squad.
So watch this space - there will be more swimming, bike riding and adventures for me from now on, I promise!