I hardly know where to begin, as I am not feeling very writerly (is that a word??)
Our Christmas was quiet but good, just us (extremely unusual for us). The kids were in good form most of the day, with the Warm Fuzzy Award of the day going to Dash with this quote as we entered the lounge at 6am to see the pile of presents under the Tree...
"Hey I've got a great idea, since it's Scrag's first Christmas, he should open the first present, and then Princess, then me..." Yay, we have made progress (a far cry from the rip and grab-fests of some other Christmases)

I was totally blown away when Mr G presented me with - an Antique chiming mantel clock (all the more special because he was not up to shopping but went anyway, determined to get me something even though I said he didn't have to).
We managed to spread out the rest of the presents throughout the day, which worked really well. It was extremely civilised, relaxing and over all enjoyable. Now roll on Summer Holidays!

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