Every year my mum reminds me of her horrific 36 hour labour and how we both nea
rly died; how dad wasn't allowed in the delivery room with her and how I was taken away while they stitched her up and she didn't see me for 24 hours! I can't imagine how awful that would have been; so here's a big shout out to my lovely mum, for going through so much to bring me into the world!

Funny how you gain such a new appreciation for your mum when you become one yourself. The picture (right) is of me and mum when I was pregnant with Dash. She came to keep vigil with me; the photo was taken on my birthday - 4 days before Dash was born. He was overdue and even though I was desperate for him to be born, on the 19th of November I said, "Baby, don't come today! I want my own birthday thanks. You can come any day but today." Somehow I knew that if Dash and I shared a birthd
ay I wouldn't get a look-in.
Mr G made it a rule that Dash wasn't allowed to talk about his party on my special day. The kids made me cards and surprised me with flowers and little gifts when I woke up; Princess made me a special necklace (which I wore proudly all day).
Mr G did kid-duty, making the lunches, getting breakfast and taking them to school, then we spent the morning together poking round an Antique shop and having coffee before going to the pet shop and ordering the Fish Tank for The Boy. I have a great husband, I have to say; he always makes sure I have a special day, and do no work, on my birthday.
's birthday was spread over 2 days; his party was on Saturday (a Sports Party, click here for that) so we let him have his special present from England (a combined affort from Grandma and daddy - the Coolest Newcastle Football Strip Ever. Dash got to wear it to his party; I must say he looked so very handsome, and such a big boy.

On Sunday he woke up to find his fishtank set up on his desk. He had been begging for a pet for so long. One day a month ago, he said to me: "Mum I am so sad that Zane died..." ????
Huh?? Who the heck is Zane?
"My pet sea snail, ZANE, mum! Remember??"
A light went on: he had found a sea snail at the beach one day and brought it home to be a pet but it didn't survive. Dash, an animal lover from way back, has always longed for a pet, and was still mourning a dead snail!
Looks great Simone, yay keep it up you are so amazing luv ya Xx
Hope you had a great day! May the year ahead be a good one!
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